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Rückblick auf internationale Tagung "Kucha and Beyond: Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas"

Research on Central Asia and the Himalayas has only begun to understand the intricate structures and interdependencies of these real and virtual landscapes in recent years and much work still has to be done to link the results achieved by individual researchers and projects. This, however, is the only way to arrive at an adequately differentiated image of the multifaceted, dynamic landscapes of Central Asia and the Himalayas and the projected conference was an important step towards this aim.

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Photo review

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Charles_Ramble_Monika Zin_Eli_Franco_DSC_4215_1a.jpg
Charles Ramble, Monika Zin, Eli Franco, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
Hans Wiesmeth, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
Group photo, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
Venue Bibliotheca Albertina at Leipzig University, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
Amy Heller, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
Anusha Vikram, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
Astrid Klein, Robert Schulz, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
Brigitte Steinmann, Fiona Kidd, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
Cecilia dal Zovo, Mariachiara Gasparini, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
Fang Wang, Jorinde Ebert, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
Haiyan Hu-von Hinüber, Zhan Zhang, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
Ines Konczak-Nagel, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
Marta Sernesi, Dominika Klimaszewski, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
Olga Kienzler, Dominika Klimaszewski, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
Xaver Erhardt, David Andolfatto, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
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Osmund Bopearachchi, Monika Zin, International SEECHAC conference “Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas”
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