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Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig
Karl-Tauchnitz-Straße 1
04107 Leipzig

Tel.: +49 0341 71153-13
Fax: +49 0341 71153-44

Seismohydrologische Station ,Wettinquelle‘, Bad Brambach mit Quellkopf (1), Multiparameterstation (2) und Gasuhr (3)


Koch, U. & W. Michler, 1991. Nutzung und Schutz von Mineral und Thermalwässern in der Balneologie am Beispiel der Staatsbäder Bad Brambach - Bad Elster. Z. Physiother. 43, 2: 75-82.

Koch, U., J. Heinicke, K. Fröhlich & M. Krbetschek, 1992. Radon im  Oberen Vogtland und seine geowissenschaftliche An-wendung. Wissenschaft und Fortschritt 42, 6: 253-255.

Heinicke, J. & U. Koch, 1992. Radon measurements for the solution of engineering geology and geophysics for the earth-quake prediction in Eastern Germany. In: Radon et gaz rares dans le sciences de la terre et de l'environnement. Actes du Colloque Int. sur la Géochemie des Gaz, Mons, Belgique, oct. 1990. Mém. Expl. Cartes Géologiques et Minierès de la Belgique 32: 275-280.

Heinicke, J., U. Koch & G. Martinelli, 1992. Investigations of the connection between seismicity and 222Rn-CO2 content in spring waters at the Vogtland area (Germany): First results. In: Activity Report 1990-1992 and Proceedings of the XXIII General Assembly of the European Seismol. Comm. Prague. Vol. II: 317-323.

Heinicke, J. & U. Koch, 1993. Zusammenhänge zwischen Seismizität und dem 222Rn-CO2-Gehalt von Quellwässern Bad Brambachs (Oberes Vogtland). Z. geol. Wiss. 21, 1/2: 101-104.

Krbetschek, M.R., U. Rieser, L. Zöller, J. Heinicke, 1994. Radioactive disequilibria in palaeodosimetric dating of sediments. Radiation Measurements, 23,2/3: 485-489.

Balderer, W., V. Cuomo, G. DiBello, J. Heinicke, U. Koch, V. Lapenna, G. Martinelli, & V. Tramutoli, 1994. The joint moni-toring of geochemical and geophysical parameters in a selected test site of Southern Italy: preliminary results. Proc. of  European Seismological Commission, Athens, 1160-1169.

Balderer, W., V. Cuomo, J. Heinicke, U. Koch, V. Lapenna , A. Leggeri & G. Martinelli, 1994. Siting operations in test areas of Saxonia (Germany) and Basilicata (Southern Italy) for earthquake precursory phenomena researches. Proc. of European Seismological Commission, Athens, 1152-1159.

Heinicke, J., U. Koch & G. Martinelli, 1995. CO2 and Radon measurements in the Vogtland area (Germany) - a contribution to earthquake prediction research. Geoph. Res. Letters 22: 771-774.

Koch, U. & J. Heinicke, 1996. Earthquake prediction research by radiometric-geochemical methods in the Vogtland - NW Bohemian region: New results and aspects. In: Seismology in Europe, Papers of the XXV General Assembly of European Seismol. Commission (ESC). Sept. 9-14, 1996. Reykjavík (Iceland): 241-246.

Heinicke, J., U. Koch & G. Martinelli, 1997. Radon and CO2 measurement for earthquake prediction research: status report and model conception about the Bad Brambach location (Germany). In: Rare Gas Geochemistry, ed. H.S. Virk. Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar (India): 136-142.

Di Bello, G., J. Heinicke, U. Koch, V. Lapenna, M. Macchiato, G. Martinelli, S. Piscitelli, 1998. Geophysical and geochemical parameters jointly monitored in a seismic area of Southern Apennines (Italy). Phys. Chem. Earth, 23, No.9-10: 909-914.

Koch, U., 1999. Hydrologie, Radiometrie, Geochemie – Grundlagen für komplexe geophysikalische Interpretationen im Oberen Vogtland. In: Penzlin, H. (Hsg.) Geschichte ausgewählter Arbeitsvorhaben. Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. S. Hirzel Stuttgart /Leipzig: 3-24.

Koch, U. & J. Heinicke, 1999. The precursor effects in the mineral spring ‘Radonquelle’, Bad Brambach prior to the January 14-19, 1997 earthquake swarm near Novy Kostel (NW Bohemia). Il Nuovo Cimento 22, 3-4: 431-436.

Heinicke, J., F. Italiano, V. Lapenna, G. Martinelli, & P.M. Nuccio, 2000. Coseismic geochemical variations in some gas emissions of Umbria Region (Central Italy). Phys. Chem. Earth (A) 25, 3: 289-293.

Heinicke J. & U. Koch, 2000. First results of hydrogeochemical measurements in the Soos area, Czech Republic. Studia geoph. et geod. 44: 590-593

Heinicke, J. & U. Koch, 2000. Slug flow – a possible explanation for hydrogeochemical earthquake precursors at Bad Brambach, Germany. Pure appl. geophys. 157, 10: 1621-1641.

Koch, U. & J. Heinicke, 2001  Die Bad-Brambacher Mineralquellen: Heilwasserschutz gestern – heute – morgen. In: Fritzsche, W. & L. Zerling (Hsg.) Umwelt und Mensch – Langzeitwirkungen und Schlußfolgerungen für die Zukunft. Abh. d. Sächs. Akademie d. Wiss. zu Leipzig 59, 5: 175-193.

Weise, S.M., K. Bräuer, H. Kämpf, G. Strauch & U. Koch, 2001. Transport of mantle volatiles through the crust traced by seismically released fluids: A natural experiment in the earthquake swarm area Vogtland-NW-Bohemia, Central Europe. Tectonophysics 336: 137-150.

Heinicke, J., U. Koch, H. Kaden & W. Oelßner, 2002. Seismizität im sächsischen Vogtland – Einsatz von CO2-Sensoren für geowissenschaftliche Untersuchungen. Akademie-Journal, H.1: 52-56.

Balasco, M., J. Heinicke, U. Koch, G. Martinelli &  L. Telesca, 2002. Fractal analysis of the hourly time variability in self-potential and flow variations concomitantly measured in the Soos Nature Park (Czech Republic). Fractals 10, 4: 463-472.

Koch, U., J. Heinicke & M. Voßberg, 2003. Hydrogeological effects of the latest Vogtland-NW Bohemian swarmquake period (August to December 2000). J. Geodynamics 35, 1-2: 107-123.

Heinicke, J., 2004. Fluiduntersuchungen im Schwarmbebengebiet Vogtland/NW Böhmen. In: Materialien zur Geologie – Erdbebenbeobachtungen im Freistaat Sachsen 2002-2003. Sächs. Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie: 45-48.

Bräuer, K., H. Kämpf, E. Faber, U. Koch, H.-M. Nitzsche & G. Strauch, 2005. Seismically triggered microbial methane production relating to the Vogtland-NW Bohemia earthquake swarm period 2000, Central Europe. Geochem. Journal, 39, 5: 441-450.

Colangelo, G., J. Heinicke, U. Koch, V. Lapenna, G. Martinelli & L. Telesca, 2005. Results of gas flux records in the seis-mically active area of Val d'Agri (Southern Italy). Annals of Geophysics 48, 1: 55-63.

Koch, U., D. Hebert, M. Voßberg & J. Heinicke, 2005. Auswirkungen der Fassungssanierung der Wettinquelle, Bad Brambach, auf die Altersstruktur des Mineralwassers. Grundwasser, 10, 2: 102-113.

Wagner, C., M. Mau, M. Schlömann, J. Heinicke & U. Koch, 2007. Characterization of the bacterial flora in mineral waters in upstreaming fluids of deep igneous rock aquifer. J. Geophys. Res., 112, G01003,doi:10.1029/2005JG000105.

Bräuer, K., H. Kämpf, U. Koch, S. Niedermann & G. Strauch, 2007. Seismically induced changes of the fluid signature detected by a multi-isotope approach (He, O2, CH4, N2) at the Wettinquelle, Bad Brambach (central Europe). J. Geophys. Res., 112, B04307, doi:10.1029/2006JB004404.

Colangelo, G., J. Heinicke, V. Lapenna, G. Martinelli, Mucciarelli, M. & L. Telesca, 2007. Investigating correlations of local seismicity with anomalous geoelectrical, hydrogeological and geochemical signals jointly recorded in Basilicata Region (Southern Italy). Annals of Geophysics, 50, 4: 527-538.

Koch, U. & J. Heinicke, 2007. Hydrological influences on long-term gas flow trends at locations in the Vogtland/NW Bohemian seismic region (German-Czech border). Annals of Geophysics, 50, 4: 557-568.

Koch, U., 2007. Seismohydrological station of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Bad Brambach. In: Geodynamics of Earthquake Swarm Areas. 8th West-Bohemia/Vogtland Intern. Workshop. Františkovy Láznĕ (Czech Republic), Oct. 16-19, 2007: G10-G12.

Koch, U., Bräuer, K., Heinicke, J. & H. Kämpf, 2008. The gas flow at mineral springs and mofettes in the Vogtland/NW Bohemia: an enduring long-term increase. Geofluids, 8, 4: 274-285.

Heinicke, J., T. Fischer, R. Gaupp, J. Götze, U. Koch, H. Konietzky & K.-P. Stanek, 2009. Hydrothermal alteration as a trigger mechanism for earthquake swarms: the Vogtland/NW Bohemia region as a case study. Geophysical Journal International 178: 1-13. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04138.x.

Heinicke,J., F. Italiano, R. Maugeri, B. Merkel, T. Pohl, M. Schipek and T. Braun, 2009. Evidence of tectonic control on active arc volcanism: the Panarea-Stromboli tectonic link inferred by submarine hydrothermal vents monitoring (Aeolian arc, Italy). Geophys. Res. Lett.: 36, L04301, doi: 10.1029/2008GL036664.

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