Sie sind hier: Startseite / Projekte / Bibliotheca Arabica – Neue Geschichte der arabischen Literatur / Bibliotheca Arabica News & Activities / 12 July 2023: Daniel Kinitz & Thomas Efer, Talk "Towards a Dynamic Knowledge Graph of a Non-Western Book Tradition"

12 July 2023: Daniel Kinitz & Thomas Efer, Talk "Towards a Dynamic Knowledge Graph of a Non-Western Book Tradition"

Daniel Kinitz and Thomas Efer (Leipzig University) give a talk at the DH 2023 in Graz on how to tackle the challenges of building a knowledge graph of a premodern Islamicate manuscript tradition.

How can we generate and integrate data on a pre-modern, Arabic book tradition in such a way that research can gain new insights? Within the long-term project “Bibliotheca Arabica” [Brinkmann/Löhr 2021], we are creating an agile knowledge graph integrating a wide range of data on (handwritten) Arabic manuscripts and their historical context. Our aim is to create a digital research environment to investigate the production, transmission and reception of Arabic manuscripts and their social environment as clusters of linked entities: scholars linked to works with students as readers, reproduced by scribes in manuscripts, linked by ownership notes and combined to historical libraries, etc.

See the full programme:

The paper will be published in the conference proceedings: Digital Humanities 2023: Book of Abstracts.

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