14 April 2021: Bibliotheca Arabica Webinar Hosted by the Institute for Advanced Study

Wednesday 14 April 6 PM CET Bibliotheca Arabica – A Digital Home for the Arabic Manuscript Tradition

The webinar, featuring Verena Klemm, Boris Liebrenz, and Thomas Efer, is hosted by the Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies (Near Eastern Studies).

Please register in advance  here

Arabic literatures are usually studied as purely creative products, a body of texts disembodied from their material life. Bibliotheca Arabica, in contrast, focusses on the context, the production, transmission, and reception of the manuscripts that for centuries carried the works we study today. Knowing what was copied, read, endowed, or owned when, where, and by whom, offers new perspectives on this immensely rich tradition. However, such a research agenda requires the collection, cross-reference, normalization, and visualization of widely diverse data created over more than one and a half millennia.
The long-term perspective of the Academy Program offers a unique environment to tackle such an ambitious task for an extended period. Over 18 years, the collection of data culled from biographical dictionaries, catalogues, and original manuscript research will enable sharply focused studies (the fate of single books or libraries) as well as broader overviews (literary trends and centers). The project’s database as a combination of bio-bibliography and manuscript reference, including a systematic collection and edition of manuscript notes, will provide a versatile tool not only for our own research agenda, but for the field as a whole.
This presentation will offer an overview of the scope, progress, and challenges of Bibliotheca Arabica, illuminated through exemplary case studies of libraries and marginal commentaries. It will showcase the database tools that are being developed as the backbone of our analytical endeavor.


Vorhaben im Akademienprogramm

Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch


Bibliotheca Arabica

Briefe und Akten zur Kirchenpolitik Friedrichs des Weisen und Johanns des Beständigen

Codex diplomaticus Saxoniae

Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum

Deutsche Wortfeldetymologie in europäischem Kontext

Die Deutschen Inschriften

Edition der Briefe Philipp Jakob Speners

Edition der Briefe Robert und Clara Schumanns

Edition des Gottsched-Briefwechsels

Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Althochdeutschen

Europäische Traditionen – Enzyklopädie jüdischer Kulturen

Forschungsportal BACH

Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Briefwechsel

Klöster im Hochmittelalter

Leipziger Mendelssohn-Ausgabe

PROPYLÄEN. Forschungsplattform zu Goethes Biographica

Robert Schumanns Poetische Welt

Text- und Wissenskultur im alten Ägypten

Buddhistische Höhlenmalereien in der Kucha-Region

Landes- und drittmittelfinanzierte Vorhaben:

DIKUSA – Vernetzung digitaler Kulturdaten in Sachsen

NFDI Text+: Forschungsdateninfrastruktur und lexikalische Ressourcen

SaxFDM-Fokusprojekt: Publikationsdienst für wissenschaftliche Datenmodelle und Vokabulare

Kulturerbe Tanz in der DDR

Umgang mit Andersdenkenden und die Konsequenzen: eine datenbasierte Analyse der Politik der SED gegenüber den Bausoldaten


Landschaft als KulturErbe. Transformation einer Bergbaulandschaft in Sachsen im 20. Jahrhundert

Das Sächsische Weichbildrecht mit Glosse. Digitale Edition der Handschrift Staatsbibliothek Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Ms. germ. fol. 389, im Rahmen der Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH)


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