4 – 5 September 2019: Workshop Manuscripts in the Digital Environment, Leipzig

Workshop Arabic Manuscripts and Collaboration in the Digital Environment, Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig, organized by Boris Liebrenz

The Academy Project Bibliotheca Arabica is honored to host a number of leading specialists in the fields of Islamic manuscript studies, bibliography, and prosopography who focus on different aspects of this large tradition, but share a common devotion to the written heritage of the Islamicate world. Each one represents a project that explores a particular niche in that larger field, be it a certain corpus, a certain regional or sectarian background, or a certain type of source.


In practice, we are all confronted with unlimited ambition but limited resources. It is, therefore, desirable not to plough the same ground twice but rather to coordinate our efforts. This workshop aims at exploring how we can manage to benefit from each other’s respective specialized knowledge and at the same time retain distinct profiles. For Bibliotheca Arabica in particular, the workshop is meant to provide an opportunity for learning from the previous experience of our guests and to build our research infrastructure with the utmost compatibility in mind.

It is, thus, highly desirable to come to a common understanding of how and in what format to store the data we collect. Many projects have already developed their own idiosyncratic repositories, some are in the process of doing so, while others are teaming up with larger networks beyond disciplinary boundaries.

The following questions should guide our presentations and discussions: 

  • Which (manuscript or biographical) collections do we / will we work on?
  • What kind of metadata do we collect?
  • How do we normalize names, titles etc.?
  • How could our respective systems exchange data?
  • How can we integrate other project’s data and findings while giving full credit to their creators?
  • How do we deal with the question of sustainability and re-use?



  • Phasif – Philosophie Arabe et Syriaque en Île-de-France (Dr. Jawdath Jabbour, Ècole Normale Supérieure, Paris)
  • Onomasticon Arabicum (Prof. Christian Müller and Muriel Roiland, CNRS / IRHT, Paris)
  • Kalīla and Dimna - Wisdom Encoded (Prof. Beatrice Gründler, Freie Universität, Berlin)
  • Orient Digital (Christoph Rauch, Director of the Oriental Department, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)
  • Prof. Dr. Astrid Meier (Martin-Luther-University Halle / Saale)
  • Bibliotheca Arabica – Towards a New History of Arabic Literature

Vorhaben im Akademienprogramm

Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch


Bibliotheca Arabica

Briefe und Akten zur Kirchenpolitik Friedrichs des Weisen und Johanns des Beständigen

Codex diplomaticus Saxoniae

Corpus Judaeo-Hellenisticum

Deutsche Wortfeldetymologie in europäischem Kontext

Die Deutschen Inschriften

Edition der Briefe Philipp Jakob Speners

Edition der Briefe Robert und Clara Schumanns

Edition des Gottsched-Briefwechsels

Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Althochdeutschen

Europäische Traditionen – Enzyklopädie jüdischer Kulturen

Forschungsportal BACH

Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi: Briefwechsel

Klöster im Hochmittelalter

Leipziger Mendelssohn-Ausgabe

PROPYLÄEN. Forschungsplattform zu Goethes Biographica

Robert Schumanns Poetische Welt

Text- und Wissenskultur im alten Ägypten

Buddhistische Höhlenmalereien in der Kucha-Region

Landes- und drittmittelfinanzierte Vorhaben:

DIKUSA – Vernetzung digitaler Kulturdaten in Sachsen

NFDI Text+: Forschungsdateninfrastruktur und lexikalische Ressourcen

SaxFDM-Fokusprojekt: Publikationsdienst für wissenschaftliche Datenmodelle und Vokabulare

Kulturerbe Tanz in der DDR

Umgang mit Andersdenkenden und die Konsequenzen: eine datenbasierte Analyse der Politik der SED gegenüber den Bausoldaten


Landschaft als KulturErbe. Transformation einer Bergbaulandschaft in Sachsen im 20. Jahrhundert

Das Sächsische Weichbildrecht mit Glosse. Digitale Edition der Handschrift Staatsbibliothek Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Ms. germ. fol. 389, im Rahmen der Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH)


Akademienprogramm Gesamt

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Einladung: Kulturerbe Tanz in der DDR 22.01.2025 17:00 - 19:00 — Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Karl-Tauchnitz-Straße 1, 04103 Leipzig

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