Bibliotheca Arabica: PhD Position and Scholarship

The long-term research project "Bibliotheca Arabica – Towards a New History of Arabic Literature" based at the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig (Germany) invites applications for a part-time PhD position and for a PhD scholarship devoted to the history of Arabic literature on the basis of its manuscript tradition. By studying the developments of literary genres, text types, works, or libraries, a differentiated picture of the history of Arabic literature will be developed that critically reflects the distribution and popularity of works, and the manifoldcontexts of their production and reception.

Please note: The scholarship is specifically aimed at those who, for compelling reasons, are unable to relocate to Germany.

The application deadline is 31 July 2023.
Start date is January 1, 2024 or at the earliest possible date thereafter.

The offiicial call can be found here Bibliotheca Arabica - PhD position (PDF) and Bibliotheca Arabica - PhD scholarship (PDF)

For more information on the project see

Source: MS, Paris BnF Arabe 4166, folio 6r (

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