CFP: Workshop together with NoMansLand (ÖAW) The Mongols' Baghdad


Call for Papers 2022

The main concern of the workshop is to explore the production, dissemination and consumption of knowledge in Baghdad from the perspective of manuscript studies. We aim to investigate what the production and circulation of manuscripts can tell us about the cultural life of Baghdad and its environs before, during and after the Mongol conquest. Papers should consider either individual manuscripts or collections of codices that shed light on different aspects of continuity and change in the intellectual life of the region. The workshop is organized jointly by the projects

 (Austrian Academy of Sciences) and
 Bibliotheca Arabica
 (Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities).
Papers are invited to discuss aspects covering, but not limited to, the following topics:


  • Agents: authors, copyists, and patrons.
  • Localities: places of production, distribution, and consumption.
  • Types of knowledge: religious, secular, or scientific.
  • Networks: the interaction of Baghdad with other centres of knowledge.
  • Characteristics of specific literary genres and their manuscripts. 
Submission of abstracts: Abstracts should be no more than 300 words and sent to:
Deadline for submissions: 28th February 2022.
Akademienprogramm Gesamt

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