Sie sind hier: Startseite / Projekte / Bibliotheca Arabica – Neue Geschichte der arabischen Literatur / Bibliotheca Arabica News & Activities / January 20, 2024: Boris Liebrenz, "Ownership Notes in the Ottoman-Mamluk Worlds: Forms and Developments"

January 20, 2024: Boris Liebrenz, "Ownership Notes in the Ottoman-Mamluk Worlds: Forms and Developments"

Presentation and course at the Seminar "Yazma Eser Kültürü Atölyeleri III: Temellü kayıtları"

Boris Liebrenz gave an introduction to the the classification, identification, and developments of ownership notes in the Mamluk and Ottoman worlds. The course, consisting of a 50 minute lecture and 50 minutes of reading, was held over zoom within the syposium Yazma Eser Kültürü Atölyeleri III: Temellü kayıtları, organized by Sami Arslan and Mehmet Arıkan, and was moderated by Elif Sezer Aydınlı.

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