Sie sind hier: Startseite / Projekte / Bibliotheca Arabica – Neue Geschichte der arabischen Literatur / Publications (Ordner) / The History and Provenance of the Unique Dustūr al-munaǧǧimīn Manuscript, BnF Arabe 5968

The History and Provenance of the Unique Dustūr al-munaǧǧimīn Manuscript, BnF Arabe 5968

Boris Liebrenz: “The History and Provenance of the Unique Dustūr al-munaǧǧimīn Manuscript, BnF Arabe 5968. A Reassessment”, in: Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 11 (2020), S. 28-42.

This article offers a re-assessment for the history of a unicum text, the Dustūr al-munaǧǧimīn, preserved in the manuscript Paris, BnF Arabe 5968. Based on a re-reading of the manuscript notes found therein, previous misreadings are corrected and the book’s trajectory is sketched through owners in Damascus, Bursa, and Istanbul. The article offers methodological suggestions for those interested in incorporating manuscript notes into their research and asks what tools are needed for the field to achieve much-needed cooperation and exchange of data.



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