A Medieval Muslim Scholar’s Legacy. Ibn Ṭāwūs and the Afterlife of his Library

“A Medieval Muslim Scholar’s Legacy. Ibn Ṭāwūs and the Afterlife of His Library”, in: Boris Liebrenz (ed.): “The History of Books and Collections through Manuscript Notes”, (Leiden: Brill, 2018), S. 218-224.

This article presents an endowment note as the only surviving material trace from thefamous library of the Shiʿite scholar ʿAlī b. Mūsā Ibn Ṭāwūs (589/1193–664/1266). Thisnote ofers new insights into the books he possessed and adds clarity about the legalframework under which it was passed on to Ibn Ṭāwūs’ descendants. The article alsotraces the further history of this manuscript through Damascus to Istanbul and dis-cusses strategies for tracking these notes, which were often willfully destroyed.

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