NFDI Text+: research data infrastructure and lexical resources

Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig
Karl-Tauchnitz-Str. 1
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 697642-77

German version

The foundation for the establishment of a national research data infrastructure that is built in accordance with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) was laid with the Bund-Länder Agreement of 26 November 2018. Up to thirty method- or discipline-specific consortia are funded based on a selection process that is staggered over three years and is carried out by the DFG. The individual NFDI consortia are coordinated by the association Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V. and its bodies.

The Text+ consortium, which has been funded since October 2021, is building a research data infrastructure based on linguistic data and services, with a focus on digital collections, lexical resources and editions. The SAW is a consortium partner in the Text+ consortium and participates in the task areas "Lexical Resources" and "Infrastructure/Operations". As a member of the association Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) e.V., it is also involved in cross-consortium issues.

In the field of lexical resources, the academy contributes to all three clusters "German Dictionaries in a European Context", "Born-Digital Lexical Resources" and "Non-Latin Scripts and under-resourced languages" with its expertise, data and services to the common infrastructure. There will be a specific focus on the generation and provision of lexical data for so-called "under-resourced languages", i.e. languages with currently insufficient inventory of digital linguistic resources. A second focus will be on the modern and user-friendly provision of lexical resources in a service-oriented research environment.

In the task area "Infrastructure/Operations", the SAW primarily works on the technical infrastructure for the provision of linguistic research data in accordance with the FAIR principles. Specific work on "findability" includes the development of REST-based interfaces for federated search environments and, in the area of "interoperability", work on metadata infrastructures with a focus on the Component Metadata Infrastructure (CMDI) and Linguistic Linked Open Data formats (LLOD), as well as their integration in a national and European context.

Project Team

  1. Gerhard Heyer, Prof. Dr. [Project Leader]
  2. Uwe Kretschmer, Mag. art. [Project Leader]
  3. Thomas Eckart, Dr. rer. nat. [Research Team Leader]
  4. Felix Helfer, M.Sc. [Research Associate]
  5. Erik Körner, M.Sc. [Research Associate]
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