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Vorträge von Projektmitgliedern / Lectures by project members / 项目组成员讲座



25 February 2025: Satomi Hiyama "Casting a Light on the Art in the Dark; Wall Paintings of Buddhist Cave Temples of Kucha in the Archaeological Context"

The Hunter Lecture Theatre, Edinburgh College of Art, UK


7 February 2025 (online): Monika Zin "The Tocharians of Kucha: Session I: Introduction to caves and paintings & what we can learn from them; Session II: Traces of Brahmin culture"

Jnanapravaha Mumbai, India, India


31 January 2025 (online): Monika Zin "Symmetry and Mirroring as Defining Principles of Art in India and Kucha"

Online Distinguished Lectures, School of Historical Studies, Nalanda University, India


13 December 2024: Erik Radisch "New Approach to Semi-Automated Annotations with Segment-Anything (Meta AI)"

Conference "Artificial Intelligence in Archives and Collections", Herder Institute Marburg,Germany


2 December 2024: Erik Radisch "A 3D-Positioning System for the Paintings of the Kucha Project"

Digital Humanities Day Leipzig 2024


2 December 2024: Erik Radisch "A New Approach to Semi-Automated Annotations with Segment-Anything"

Digital Humanities Day Leipzig 2024

15 November 2024: Satomi Hiyama "Some Thoughts on the Different Narrative Traditions of Stone‐ and Clay Sculptures in Central Asian Buddhist Art"

International Research Colloquium "Buddhist clay sculptures in Central Asia", 筑波大学 The University of Tsukuba, Tokyo Campus, Japan


26 October 2024: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 & Koichi Kitsudo 橘堂晃一 "龟兹・ 苏巴什东寺遗址壁画研究— 以大谷探险队第一 次探险资料为中心 [Study on the Wall Paintings of Subashi East Temple in Kucha through the Records by the First Otani Expedition]"

第八届亀茲学年会 [The Eighth Annual Conference of Kucha Studies], Kucha, China


22 October 2024: Fang Wang “Supplementary Notes on the Figures of Monk “Kāśyapa” at Kucha: A Pictorial Narrative of the “Spell of Truth (satyavacana)” Healing the Buddha’s Foot"

"Transmission, Adaptation and Interpretation of (Mūla-)Sarvāstivādin Corpora", Institut für Indologie und Tibetologie, LMU Munich, Germany


17 October 2024: Satomi Hiyama "Iconographical Turn of the Buddha's Life Story in the Wall Paintings of the Rock-cut Monasteries of Kucha – with Focus on the Parinirvāṇa Story Cycle"

"Diverse Lives: Narratives of Śākyamuni Buddha in Text and Image, International Conference Ghent Centre for Buddhist Studies (GCBS), Royal Museum of Mariemont, Belgium


17 October 2024: Monika Zin "The Buddha and the Brahmins in Kucha Paintings"

"Diverse Lives: Narratives of Śākyamuni Buddha in Text and Image, International Conference Ghent Centre for Buddhist Studies (GCBS), Royal Museum of Mariemont, Belgium


5 October 2024: Monika Zin "Consolidating the Attempts to Understand Local Beliefs in Kucha"

Kyoto Symposium of Silk Road Studies "From India to China via Turfan", Kyoto University, Japan


23 September 2024: Sylvia Melzer, Stefan Thiemann, Hagen Peukert & Erik Radisch "Humanities-Centred AI (CHAI)"

Workshop at the 47th German Conference of Artificial Intelligence, 25–27 September 2024, Julius-Maximilian-Universität Würzburg, Germany


21 September 2024: Monika Zin "Inscriptions and Images: Summary of the Issues"

"Kanaganahalli Paleography Workshop", Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig, Germany


16–20 September 2024: 26th International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art at Leipzig University, under the auspices of the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Germany

  • 17 September: Satomi Hiyama "Reproducing Buddhist Geography in Central Asia"
  • 17 September: Robert Schulz "‘Pseudo Mākandika’ and Yaśodhara between the Great Departure and the Return to Kapilavastu – A New Assessment"
  • 17 September: Fang Wang "New Investigation into Pictorial Narratives Featuring the Buddha’s First Illness in Gandharan Reliefs"
  • 17 September: Ji Ho Yi "The Monk Could Have Been a Nun: Re-Examination of the Gandhāran Sculpture (I 127) in the Humboldt Forum"


30 July: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "シルクロード・ クチャの仏教石窟寺院の壁画を絵解きする—壁画から読み解く仏陀と仏弟子の物語— [Reading the Murals of the Buddhist Rock-cut Monasteries of Kucha on the Silk Road: Curious Tales about the Buddha's Disciples]"

朝日カルチャーセンター京都教室 Asahi Culture Center Kyoto, Public Lecture, Japan


22 July 2024: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "檜山智美 シルクロードの仏教壁画を読む—石窟寺院の壁画から読み解く西域の仏教文化— [Reading the Buddhist Murals of the Silk Road: Buddhist Cultural Tradition of the Western Regions as Seen from the Mural Paintings of the Rock-Cut Monasteries]"

Guest Lecture in the Seminar "Chinese Buddhism", 大正大学 Taisho University, Japan


15 June 2023: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "东阳王元荣的梦想: 从敦煌莫高窟第 249, 285 窟看丝绸之路的多元文化融合 [Reverie of Yuan Rong "The Prince of the Eastern Sun": Multicultural Encounter of the Silk Road as Seen from Mogao Cave 249 and 285, Dunhuang]"

丝路与长安系列讲座第 37 讲 [The 37th Lecture of the Silk Roand and Chang'an Lecture Series], 陝西師範大学 Shanxi Normal University, Xi'an, China


14 June 2024: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "6 世纪中叶龟兹石窟艺术变化与汉地佛教美术的关系 [Shift of the Kucha Cave Art at the Mid-6th Century and its Relation to the Buddhist Art of China]"

西域 敦煌 长安:石窟与丝路图像研究新视野工作坊 [Western Regions, Dunhuang, and Chang'an: Workshop for the New Perspectives of Research on Buddhist Caves and Silk Road Iconography], 陝西師範大学 Shanxi Normal University, Xi'an, China


14 June 2024: Monika Zin "The Tocharians of Kucha: Tracing Their Local Culture through Buddhist Paintings"

Inalco, Université Paris Cité CNRS, Centre d’études interdisciplinaires sur le bouddhisme / Glorisun, Global Buddhist Network, Paris, France


12 June 2024: Monika Zin "Key Experiences of the Young Siddhārtha"

Colloque international "Sacred Texts and Iconographies Relating the Life of the Buddha – Contradictions and Confusions", Université de Strasbourg, Histoire, sociologie, archéologie at anthropologie des religions, HiSAAR, 11–12 juin 2024, Strasbourg, France


11 June: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "敦煌莫高窟第 285 窟与嚈哒时期中亚的东西文化交流 [Mogao Cave 285 and the East-West Cultural Exchange during the Period of the Hephthalites' Occupation of Central Asia]"

石窟与文明的对话:莫高窟第 285 窟专题研讨会 [International Conference "Dialogue between the Grotto Temples and the Civilization: Conference focusing on Mogao Cave 285"], 敦煌研究院 Dunhuang Academy, China


24 Mai 2024: Ji Ho Yi "People and Monkeys in Yoga Pose in the Wall Paintings Decorating the Buddhist Caves of Kucha"

The 3rd Yoga Darśana, Yoga Sādhana Conference, Universität Hamburg, Germany


26 April 2024: Ines Konczak-Nagel & Erik Radisch "Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road"

Joint Research Group: Manuscriptology and Digital Humanities, Co-organized with Otani University Collection Buddhist Manuscript Research Project, Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute, Otani University, Kyoto


20 April 2024: Ji Ho Yi "The Jewelled Dagger from Gyerim-no as a Possible Status Symbol"

Spring Workshop, Korean Association for Central Asian Studies, National Museum of Korea, Seoul, South Korea


10 April 2024 (online): Monika Zin "Borrowing the Forms, Shifting the Meanings: Contacts between West and East in the First Centuries of Our Era"

Lecture for Masters' School Seminar Doctoral School of Humanities University of Warsaw


6 April 2024: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "ソグド美術の世界: シルクロード商業民族の信仰と東西文化交渉 [The World of the Sogdian Art: Belief of the Silk Road Traders and the East-West Cultural Interaction]"

朝日カルチャーセンター京都教室 Asahi Culture Center Kyoto, Public Lecture, Japan


29 March 2024: Satomi Hiyama "Introduction to the Dunhuang Manuscript Tianhuang fanmo jing Kept in the Fuse Museum"

International Workshop "State of Research on Old Buddhist Manuscripts", International College for the Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, Japan


14 March 2024: Olga Kienzler "Zusammenspiel von Architektur, Bildsprache und Verehrung: Bedeutung der Kuča-Höhlen als sakraler Ort"

Section "Höhlen, Grotten und immersive Räume. Ansätze zu einer transkulturellen Bild-Raum-Wissenschaft", organised by  Christina Strunck, Erlangen-Nürnberg & Ines Konczak-Nagel, Leipzig; 37. Deutscher Kongress für Kunstgeschichte 2024, 13–17 March 2024, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany


29 February 2024: Erik Radisch & Ines Konczak-Nagel "Finde den ... in buddhistischen Höhlenmalereien! Ein digitales Suchspiel des Projekts "Wissenschaftlche Bearbeitung der buddhistischen Höhlenmalereien in der Kuča-Region an der nördlichen Seidenstraße"

Poster Session, Dhd2024, University of Passau, Germany


21 January 2024: Fang Wang 王芳 "降神入胎:克孜尔110窟“托胎灵梦"故事图及其源流" (The Spirit Enters the Womb: The Story of the “Dream of Conception" in Kizil Cave 110 and its Origins)

Silk Road Exhibition Lecture Series  丝路大展系列讲座, Beijing Minsheng Museum of Modern Art 北京民生现代美术馆, China


20 January 2024: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "古代インド仏教美術の世界—ストゥーパ(仏塔)から読み解くシルクロードの東西文化交流 [Buddhist Art of Ancient India: Silk Road Cultural Exchange as Seen from the Stupa Decoration]"

朝日カルチャーセンター京都教室 Asahi Culture Center Kyoto, Public Lecture, Japan


13 January 2024 (online): Ji Ho Yi  이지호 "Kuja sŏkkul kongyangja ch'osang ŭi sarye ro ch'ujŏng han pomul 635ho Kyŏngju Kyerimno pogŏm ŭi hamŭi shiron 龜玆 石窟 供養者 肖像의 事例로 推定한 寶物 635號 慶州 鷄林路 寶劍의 含意 試論 [The Jewelled Dagger from Gyerim-no as a Possible Status Symbol]"

Je 5 hoe gukje sinjinhakja haksuldaehoe "Muljilmunhwa wa pyosang" 제5회 국제신진학자학술대회 "물질문화와 표상" [The Fifth International Symposium for the Next Generation "Material Culture and Representation"], Academy of East Asian Studies, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea


12 January 2024: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "敦煌壁画と偽経—西魏時代の石窟を中心に— [Apocryphal Scriptures and Dunhuang Paintings: Focusing on the Cave Temples of the Western Wei Period]"

Guest Lecture in the Seminar "Chinese Buddhism", 大正大学 Taisho University, Japan


5 January 2024: Ines Konczak-Nagel & Erik Radisch "Research on Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road: The Kucha Mural Information System (KMIS)"

Academic Salon “Research on Digital Protection of Cultural Heritage" “文化遗产数字化保护研究"学术沙龙, Renmin University of China, Beijing 中国人民大学, China


27–28 November 2023: International Symposium "Variety of Jātaka and Avadāna Transmission" 国際シンポジウム 「ジャータカ・アヴァダーナ伝承の多様性」 International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies Tokyo

  • 27 November: Monika Zin "Haribhaṭṭa's Jātakamālā and the Paintings of Kucha"
  • 27 November: Satomi Hiyama "The Role of Jātaka and Avadāna for the Transmission of Buddhism as Seen from Kucha Paintings"



14 November 2023: Presentation of the Keimyung Silk Road Academic Award 계명 실크로드 학술상 2023 to Monika Zin for her book "Gods, Deities, and Demons in the Paintings of Kucha" (Leipzig Kucha Studies 4) by thePresident of Keimyung University with the public lecture by Monika Zin "Deities and Demons in the Buddhist Monasteries of Kucha – What Can They Tell us about the Tocharians and Uyghurs?"

Keimyung University, Academia Via Serica, Daegu, South Korea


6 November 2023: Monika Zin "About the Programmes of the Buddhist Cave Paintings in Kucha"

Guest lecture, UCLA Center for Buddhist Studies, Los Angeles, USA


2–4 November 2023: International Workshop "Desert Mosaic: The Kucha Oasis Along the Ancient Silk Roads" at Berkeley University of California, USA

  • 2 November: Monika Zin, Keynote lecture "The Tocharian Buddha and the Local Demons"
  • 3 November: Satomi Hiyama "From Elite Buddhism to Localized Monasticism? Shifting Trends in the Narrative Décor in Kucha Caves"
  • 3 November: Ines Konczak-Nagel "The Bodhisatva in Tuṣita Heaven in the Paintings of the 1st Indo-Iranian Style in Kizil"
  • 3 November: Fang Wang "The Mural Sequence of the Buddha's Life in Kizil Cave 110 (Treppenhöhle)"


15 October 2023: Monika Zin "Cave Temples of Kucha: From the Order of Murals to Their Meaning"

International Conference "China Westward: Schedule, Panels & Papers Reimagining the Interwoven Material and Cultural Histories of China, Central Asia, and the Himalayas", Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University, 14–15 October 2023


15 September2023: Monika Zin "Mirroring as a Design Feature of Art in India and Kucha – Deep Meaning or Playful Whim?"

Keynote lecture at "To the Hearth of Truth, Symposium in Honor of Eli Franco on His 70th Birthday", University of Vienna, Austria


5 September 2023: Monika Zin "Routes of Trade and More: About the Diffusion of Western Art and Indian Tales"

International Conference "Diffusion Fundamentals X", 5–9 September 2023, New Uzbekistan University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


31 August 2023 (online): Astrid Klein "From 'Grass That Is Like Cocoons'? – Pictorial Representation of Resist-Dyed Fabrics in Kucha on the Northern Silk Road"

29th EAA Annual Meeting, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland


11 July 2023: Erik Radisch "Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road. A Follow Up on Semi Automated Annotation Using RCNNs

DH 2023 Collaboration as Opportunity. The Annual Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) Digital Humanities Conference (DH 2023), pp. 486–488, 10–14, Graz, Austria


27 June 2023: Ines Konczak-Nagel / Erik Radisch "The Kucha Mural Information System: Taxonomy and Semi-Automated Image Recognition"

"Data Linking Workshop 2023: Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing – Challenges in the Humanities", 27–28 June, Hamburg University, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, Germany


14 June 2023: Olga Kienzler "Kucha Caves and Rituals: An Attempt at Linking Paintings and Texts of Defensive Magic"

International Conference "Ritual and Materiality in Buddhism and Asian Religions", Princeton University, 13–15 June 2023, Princeton, NJ, USA


25 June 2023: Ji Ho Yi 이지호 "Magic As a Possible Catalyst in Earlier Transmission of Buddhism"

The 8th AAS-in-Asia Conference, Panel-Presentation: Dharma in Motion: Preserving/Propagating Buddhism in Asia, Humanities Korea Hall 103, Kyungpook University, Daegu, South Korea


13 May 2023 (online): Ji Ho Yi 이지호 "K'uch'a sŏkkul pyŏk'wa sok yoga chase ŭi saram kwa wŏnsungi 쿠차 석굴 벽화 속 요가 자세의 사람과 원숭이 [People and Monkeys in Yoga Pose in the Wall Paintings Decorating the Buddhist Caves of Kucha]"

Han'guk yoga hak'oe 2023 ch'un'gye haksul taehoe 한국 요가 학회 2023 춘계 학술 대회 [Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Yoga], Global Conference Hall, Choonhae College of Health Sciences, Ulsan, South Korea


25 April 2023: Monika Zin "Enklave am Rande der Wüste Taklamakan: Malereien aus Kuča an der nördlichen Seidenstraße"

Konfuzius-Institut, Leipzig, Germany


30 March 2023: Ines Konczak-Nagel "Die Sprache der buddhistischen Malereien Kučas: Zur Darstellung des Königs Prasenajit und Entschlüsselung eines bisher ungedeuteten Bildmotivs"

Jour fixe, Gesellschaft für Indo-Asiatische Kunst e.V., Humboldt Forum, Berlin, Germany


21 March 2023 (online): Astrid Klein "Dress in Kucha on the Northern Silk Road (6th to 7th century)"

Seminar course "History of Fashion and Identity", McMaster University, Faculty of Humanities, Hamilton, Canada


10 March 2023: Erik Radisch "Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road. Ein Versuch der Semi-Automatisierung der Annotierung"

DHd 2023 Open Humanities Open Culture. 9. Tagung des Verbands "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" (DHd 2023), Trier, Luxemburg


5 December 2022 (online): Fang Wang 王芳 "Qiuci yu Gaochang bihua taizi chujia gushitu kaocha 龟兹与高昌壁画"太子出家"故事图考察 [The Great Departure of Siddhārtha in Wall Paintings of Kucha and Turfan]"

Qinghua daxue renwenxueyuan chengli 10 zhounian 2012–2022: Hanzang fojiao yuwenxue qingnian jiangzuo xilie 清华大学人文学院成立10周年2012–2022:汉藏佛教语文学青年讲座系列 [10th Anniversary of the School of Humanites, Tsinghua University (2012–2022): Lecture Series of Yong Scholars Sino-Tibet Linguistics and Philology], Beijing, China


2 December 2022: Monika Zin, Keynote lecture "From the Artist's Toolbox: Techniques of Narrative Representations in South and Central Asia"

International Conference "Art of Communication and Communication through Art in Asia and Africa", Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw / Polish Institute of World Art Studies, 1–2 December, Warsaw, Poland


1 December 2022 (online): Satomi Hiyama "Multicultural Dunhuang: Syncretic Buddhist Caves at Mogao in the Early 6th Century"

Webinar of Rice University's Department of Transnational Asian Studies and the Dunhuang Foundation, Houston, Texas, USA


25–27 November 2022 International Conference "'Thus Have I Heard': Patterns and Logics in Buddhist Narrative Literature, Research Center for Buddhist Texts and Art" at Peking University / Glorisun Global Network for Buddhist Studies. Peking University (Beijing, China) / University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada), Beijing, China

  • 27 November (online): Fang Wang "The Mural Painting of 'Siddhārtha Descending on the Elephant' in Kizil Cave 110"
  • 27 November 2022 (online): Ji Ho "Offering Scent to Call for Help: Sumāgadhā / Sumatī Story Illustrated in Kizil Grottoes and the Local Fragrance Offering"
  • 27 November 2022 (online): Monika Zin, Keynote lecture "Are They All Maitreya? Enigmatic 'Mahābodhisatvas' in Kucha"


22 November 2022: Monika Zin "Creating Sacred Space. What Can Kucha Teach Us?"

International Workshop "Buddhist Narratives between Gandhara, Andhra and Kucha: Multi-media Approaches", Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Centrum für Religionswissenschaftliche Studien CERES, Bochum, Germany


1 November 2022 (online): International Workshop "Ancient Tarim Studies", Vienna University, Austria

  • Satomi Hiyama "Traces of the Sarvāstivādins in the Buddhist Monasteries of Kucha"
  • Ines Konczak-Nagel "Identification of Depictions of the Fragrant Pratyekabuddha Skeleton in the Wall Paintings of Kucha"
  • Monika Zin "Iconography of Demons"


28 October 2022: Luca De Fabritiis "The Migration of Ornament"

International Workshop "Globalization in Visual Culture: A Transhistorical Approach", 27–28 October, Universität Leipzig, Germany


17 October 2022 (online): Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Chuo Asia no Bukkyo jiin wo fukugen suru: Sekkutsu kozo, bijutsu, soshite Setsuissaiubu no ni bunpa 中央アジアの仏教寺院を復元する 石窟構造、美術、そして説一切有部の二分派 [Reconstructing Central Asian Buddhist Monasteries: Cave Structure, Art, and Two Subgroups of the Sarvāstivādins]"

Journal of Abhidharma Studies Lecture Series, Kanagawa, Japan


14 September 2022: Fang Wang "Monks Touching the Buddha's Foot in Pictorial Narratives of Kucha Paintings"

International Conference: "Deutscher Orientalistentag, 100th Anniversary", 12–17 September, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany


3 September 2022: International Conference "28th EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) Annual Meeting", ELTE Faculty of Humanities, Budapest, Hungaria

  • Astrid Klein "Bird and Crescent Inserted into Roundels: Reference to Taqueté and Early Samite Silks in Kucha on the Northern Silk Road"
  • Satomi Hiyama "'Kucha Silks' Re-explored: Historical and Buddhological Aspects of the Silk Production in the Tarim Basin in the 5th–6th Centuries"


24 August 2022: Fang Wang "The Great Departure of Siddhārtha in Wall Paintings of Kucha and Turfan"

International Conference "EACS 2022 (European Association for Chinese Studies): The 24th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies", 24–27 August, Olomouc, Czech Republic


15–19 August 2022: International Conference "The 19th Congress of the IABS (International Association of Buddhist Studies)", Seoul, South Korea

  • 19 August: Ji Ho Yi "Thousand Beginnings of Buddhahood in Bhadrakalpikasūtra Illustrated on the Walls of Kumtura Cave 50 and Cave 29"
  • 18 August (online) Koichi Kitsudo & Satomi Hiyama "Interpretation of the Hell Scenes in Subashi East Temple Documented by the First Otani expedition"
  • 18 August: Fang Wang "The Legend of the Buddha Leaving His Alms-bowl in Vaiśālī Preserved in the Art of Gandhara and Kucha"
  • 17 August: Monika Zin "The Demons of Kucha, The Case of the 'Temptation Cave' (Kizil, Cave 175)"


7 August 2022 (online): Monika Zin "The Buddha, the Dead and the Demons"

Glorisun International and Intensive Program with Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA


28 July 2022 (online): Erik Radisch "Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road: An Approach to Semi-Automated Annotation"

International Conference "DH 2022 (Annual Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations ADHO)", University of Tokyo, Japan


6 July 2022: Monika Zin "From Gandhara to Kucha and Back Again: Identifications of Gandharan Reliefs by Means of Kuchean Iconography"

25th International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, 4–8 July, Barcelona, Spain


25 June 2022 (online): Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Narrative Art of the Sarvāstivāda Monasteries in Kucha (龟兹说一切有部寺院的叙事艺术)"

Beijing University Forum (文研论坛)166: 龟兹石窟寺研究:考古 · 历史 · 美术 · 文献 [Research of the Rock Monasteries of Kucha: Archaeology, History, Art, and Texts], Beijing University, China


22 June 2022 (online): Astrid Klein "From Caftan to Bedding: Patterned Silks and Buddhism in Kucha on the Northern Silk Road"

International Conference "DRESSED. The Widespread Role of Clothes, Textile Production and Clothing Concepts in Society: Interweaving Perspectives", InnoTexGes Project (BMBF-funded), Berlin University of the Arts, Germany


25 May 2022 (online): International Workshop FrogBear "Typologies of Text – Image Relations: Image – Text – Reality in Buddhism: Interrelation & Internegation", University of Toronto (Japan) / Ghent University (Belgium)

  • 25 May: Satomi Hiyama "Image-Text Relations in the Case of the Early Sarvāstivāda Monasteries of Kucha"
  • 25 May: Monika Zin "Textual and Visual Narratives from Kucha"


8 April 2022: Monika Zin "Vidūṣaka's Brothers"

XXth Biennial Symposium of the American Council for Southern Asian Art, University of Georgia in Athens / Emory University in Atlanta, Athens, Greece


27 March 2022 (online): Satomi Hiyama "Two Painting Styles in the Buddhist Monasteries of Kucha Kingdom in the 6th–7th Centuries"

Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference 2022, Session L-V41: Borderland Identities along the "Buddhist Road" (ca. 6th – 12th Centuries CE), Honolulu, Hawaii


7–11 March 2022: Erik Radisch & Simon Rainer "Annotorious: Eine JavaScript-Bibliothek für die Entwicklung maßgeschneiderter Bildannotationstools"

DHd (Annual Conference of the DHd – Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum / Association of Digital Humanities in the German Speaking Area), Paderborn, Germany


4 March 2022 (online): "Auf der Spur: Dokumentation und Entschlüsselung buddhistischer Malereien der Kuča-Oase", Virtueller Werkstattbesuch, Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig

  • Dominika Klimaszewski "Buddha, Mönche und Dämonen in den Seitengängen der Teufelshöhle (Kizil, Höhle 198)"
  • Ines Konczak-Nagel "Kuča-Malereien digital erfasst"
  • Ji Ho Yi "Texte und erzählende Malereien über Kinder aus den Höhlen von Kizil"


8 February 2022 (online): Ines Konczak-Nagel & Erik Radisch "The Digital Information System of the Project 'Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road' of the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities"

DiGA (Digitization of Gandharan Artefacts) Kickoff Event: Roundtable Format, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Centrum für Religionswissenschaftliche Studien CERES, 7–8 February, Bochum, Germany


27 January 2022 (online): Ines Konczak-Nagel "Han Rakyeons Kopien von Wandmalereien: Ein anderer Blick auf die buddhistische Höhlenanlage von Kizil"

Jour fixe, Gesellschaft für Indo-Asiatische Kunst e.V., Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Berlin, Germany


16 December 2021 (online): Satomi Hiyama, Lecture in honor of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn "Intercultural Exchanges on the Silk Road: Syncretistic Cosmology in the Buddhist Cave Art of Dunhuang in the Early 6th Century"

"The Department of Eastern Languages at 60: Navigating the Currents of Learning", Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand


14 December 2021 (online): Olga Kienzler "Zadači issledovaniâ buddijskoj nastennoj rospisi v peŝernyh hramah Kučarskogo regiona Severnogo Šelkovogo puti v ramkah proekta Saksonsoj Akademii Nauk Задачи исследования буддийской настенной росписи в пещерных храмах Кучарского региона Северного Шелкового пути в рамках проекта Саксонсой Академии Наук [The Research Project of the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities 'Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road']"

Ežegodnaâ naučnaâ sessiâ IVR RAN «Pis'mennoe nasledie Vostoka kak osnova klassičeskogo vostokovedeniâ» 13–15 dekabrâ 2021 g. Ежегодная научная сессия ИВР РАН «Письменное наследие Востока как основа классического востоковедения» 13–15 декабря 2021 г. [Annual academic conference of the ИВР РАН (Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences), "Written Heritage of the Orient as the Basis for Classical Oriental Studies" 13–15 December 2021], St. Petersburg, Russia


4 December 2021: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Tonko hekiga ni mirareru Chugoku to Indo no sekaikan no shugo 敦煌壁画に見られる中国とインドの世界観の習合 [Syncretistic Fusion of Chinese and Indian Cosmologies as Seen in Dunhuang Paintings]"

Symposium "Potential of Eurasian Religious Heritage Studies: Transmission and Fusion", Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University, Japan


26 November 2021 (online): Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Ten to chi wo tsunagu jiku: Shumisen to Konronsan 天と地を繋ぐ軸:須弥山と崑崙山 [The Axis Connecting the Heaven and the Earth: Sumeru and Kunlun Mountains]"

Bukkyo Salon Kyoto, Japan


19 November 2021 (online): Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Seigi jidai no Tonko ni okeru Bukkyo to Dokyo no sekaikan no yugo 西魏時代の敦煌における仏教と道教の世界観の融合 [Syncretism of Buddhism and Taoism in Dunhuang in the Western Wei period]"

Bukkyo Salon Kyoto, Japan


10 November 2021 (online): Monika Zin "Tracing India on the Silk Road

Delhi University, Department of History, India


2–5 November 2021: "Kucha and Beyond. Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas", 6th International Conference of the SEECHAC (Société Européenne pour l'Étude des civilisation de l'Himâlaya et des l'Asie Centrale), Universität Leipzig / Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig

organised by the Kucha Project Team led by Monika Zin and Ines Konczak-Nagel

  • 3 November: Astrid Klein "The Imitation of a Cloud-and-Animal Silk on a Reliquary Box from Kucha"
  • 3 November: Robert Schulz "The We and the Other: Representations of Cultural Landscapes in the Iconography of Central Asia at the Transition Between Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages"
  • 3 November: Fang Wang "The Stole-Dance Figure as Part of Heavenly Landscapes and Representation of Secular Life along the Silk Road"
  • 2 November: Ji Ho Yi "Sacred Mountains Where Enlightened Beings Reside: Rows of Buddhas and Pratyekabuddhas in Kucha and Dunhuang"
  • 2 November: Monika Zin, Special presentation "Why Kucha?"
  • 2 November: Monika Zin "Mountains inside the Living Stone: The Magical Hillscapes of Kucha Cave Vaults"


2 November 2021 (online): Astrid Klein "Riders Without Horses: How Does the Clothing of the Buddhist Donors of Kucha Relate to Horse Riding?"

3rd International Conference of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology EAAA, University of Ljubljana


28 October 2021 (online): Ji Ho Yi "Kinder in buddhistischen Klöstern des Tarimbeckens (3. bis 7. Jh. n. Chr.)"

Jour fixe, Gesellschaft für Indo-Asiatische Kunst e.V., Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Berlin, Germany


23 October 2021: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Silk Road no Bukkyo bijutsu to symbol no tozai koryu シルクロードの仏教美術とシンボルの東西交流 [Buddhist Art of the Silk Road and the East-West Interaction of Symbols]"

Meguro City College


15 September 2021 (online): Erik Radisch & Gernot Howanitz "Deep-Learning-Stammtisch"

vDHd 2021: Annual Conference of the DHd – Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum / Association of Digital Humanities in the German Speaking Area)


20 July 2021: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Bijutsu kara tadoru Shumisen sekaikan no denpa 美術から辿る須弥山世界観の伝播 [Transmission of the Sumeru Cosmology as Seen from Visual Arts]"

Taisho University, Tokyo, Japan


16 July 2021 (online): Satomi Hiyama "Sumeru Cosmology in Early Buddhist Art and Its Interaction with Other Religious Arts"

Workshop "Visualization of the Heavens" at Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, Germany


6 July 2021 (online): Monika Zin "Parinirvāṇa Story Cycle in Kucha"

Center for Gandharan and Indian Studies at Fudan University, Shanghai, China


1‒2 July 2021 (online): Ji Ho Yi, Poster "Offering Scent to Call for Help: Sumatī /Sumāgadhā Story Illustrated in Kizil Grottoes and the Local Fragrance Offering"

United Kingdom Association for Buddhist Studies, Conference 2021


5 June 2021: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Genjo no tadotta michi: Kucha no bukkyo jiin no iseki to bijutsu 玄奘の辿った道 クチャの仏教寺院の遺跡と美術 [Pilgrimage Route of Xuanzang: Archaeological Sites and Art of Buddhist Monasteries of Kucha]"

Asahi Culture Center Kyoto, Japan


18 May 2021 (online): Monika Zin "Basic Patterns of Text-Image/Object Relations"

FrogBear intensive program in Buddhism and East Asian Religions "From The Groud Up" The University of British Columbia, Vancouver Campus


8 April 2021 (online): Satomi Hiyama "Cultural Landscape of the Kucha Kingdom around the 5th Century"

ISAW Seminar "Fifth Century Central Eurasia and the Formation of a 'Eurasian Late Antiquity'", New York University


25 March 2021 (online): Astrid Klein "Sumozhe: Die Darstellung eines Tanzdramas aus Kucha (6.–7. Jh.)"

Jour fixe, Gesellschaft für Indo-Asiatische Kunst e.V., Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Berlin, Germany


18 December 2020: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Bunka isan wo meguru giron – Narrative, kenryoku, datsu-ruijika: Silk Road no Bukkyo bijutushi no shiten kara 文化遺産をめぐる議論―ナラティブ・権力・脱類似化:シルクロードの仏教美術史の視点から [Narrative, Power and Dissimilarization: Perspective from the Buddhist Art of the Silk Road]"

Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa, Kyoto, Japan


18 December 2020 (online): Monika Zin "Buddyjskie malowidła ścienne z rejonu Kuča na Północnym Jedwabnym Szlaku [Buddhist Wall Paintings from the Kuča Area on the Northern Silk Road]"

Polish Academy of Sciences, Instytut Kultur Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych (IKŚiO PAN), Warszawa


5 December 2020: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Saiiki Hokudo no Bukkyo sekkutsu hekiga ni egakareta Shitenno to sono kenzoku no zuzo 西域北道の仏教石窟壁画に描かれた四天王とその図像 [Iconography of the Four Heavenly Kings and Their Attendants in the Wall Paintings of Buddhist Cave Temples along the Northern Silk Road]"

The 2nd conference of the study group "Representation of Amitabha in East Asia", panel "Representation and function of devotional images: Amitabha and the Four Heavenly Kings", Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan


28 November 2020: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Kucha no setsu issai ubu kei no bijutsu ni mirareru futatsu no keito ni tsuite クチャの説一切有部系の美術に見られる二つの系統について [Two Lineages of the Narrative Arts of the Sarvāstivādins in Kucha]"

The 40th annual conference of the Association for Esoteric Buddhism, Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan


14 November 2020 (online): Erik Radisch "Center and Periphery in the CMEA"

"Alternative Forms of Globalization? The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) as Development Organization", 13–14 November 2020


11 November 2020 (online): Monika Zin "Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road"

Numata Zentrum für Buddhismuskunde, Asien-Afrika-Institut, Universität Hamburg


18 September 2020 (online): Monika Zin "The Demons of Kucha"

Transnational Asia Speaker Series, Chao Center for Asian Studies, Rice University


15 September 2020: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Garan no shogon ha dareno tame nanoka – Seisei no bijutushi 伽藍の荘厳は誰のためなのか―聖性の美術史 [For Whom is the Decoration of the Monastery Done? The Art History of the Sacredness]"

Dicussion Forum "Bunkazai to shinko 文化財と信仰 [Cultural Property and the Belief]", Hoei-Temple, Nara, Japan


10–15 August 2020 (online): Monika Zin "Buddhism on the Northern Silk Road as Mirrored in Art", International Intensive Program on Buddhist Studies, McMaster, Toronto. Seven lectures and a seminar "Forum": "Indian Buddhism on the Road", "Sacred Landscape inside the Mountain", "Life of the Buddha in Pictures: Just a Tale, an Ideal Role Model or an Allegory?", "Stories of Teaching and Conversions", "Witnessing Buddha's Death", "Jātakas: What are They Good For?", "Meeting a Buddha – Becoming a Buddha"


2–6 March 2020: Erik Radisch, Workshop "Deep Learning für visuelle Medien: Annotation, Training, Analyse"

DHd (Annual Conference of the DHd – Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum/ Association of Digital Humanities in the German Speaking Area), Paderborn


9 February 2020: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Kucha no setsu issai ubu no bijutsu クチャの説一切有部の美術 [Sketching the Sarvāstivādins in Kucha]"

International Workshop "Sarvāstivāda Buddhism in the Early Monasteries of Kucha", Ryukoku University, Kyoto


7–8 February 2020: Ines Konczak-Nagel "Representations of Meditation in the Buddhist Murals of Kucha"

International Conference "Textual and Visual Sources on Buddhist Mediation: Fifty-Six Years After the First Publication of the 'Buddhist Yoga Manual' ('Yogalehrbuch')", Universität Heidelberg, Karl Jaspers Centre for Advanced Transcultural Studies


11 November 2019: Monika Zin "Pathways to Nirvana: Paintings in Kucha between Gandharan Heritage and Local Innovation"

Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studues, The Oriantal Institute, Oxford


6 September 2019: Monika Zin "The Complex Rules of Unpretentious Pictures: Narrative Paintings in Kucha"

Symposium "Indian Buddhist Narrative: Text and Image", Edinburgh, 6th–7th September 2019


24–30 August 2019: Monika Zin, Oxford International Intensive Program on Buddhist Studies, St. Ann College, Oxford, "Archaic Art and Aniconical Beginnings (Bharhut, Sanchi, Bodhgaya)", "Mathura and Gandhara and the pre-Kushana and Kushana Period; the Creation of the Buddha's Image", "Andhra under the Satavahanas and the Iksvakus (Amaravati, Kanahagahalli, Nagarjunakonda)", "Ajanta – a Witness of the Paintings of Old India", "The Indian Art of Gupta and Pala-Art as Prototypes for Birma and Tibet", "From India to China: Buddhist Central Asia", "Paintings in the Cave Temples in Kucha and Their Pictorial Programmes"


26 July 2019: Monika Zin "Minor Deities in Ajanta and Mathura"

Workshop "Mathura: The Archaeology of Inter-Religious Encounters in Ancient India", Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Käte Hamburger Kolleg, Center for Religious Studies (CERES), Bochum


23–24 July 2019: Ines Konczak-Nagel & Monika Zin, Kleinpräsentationen im Rahmen der Vorstellung der Projekte an der "Evaluation des Akademienprogramms"

Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften, Mainz


30 June 2019: Monika Zin "The Kucha Murals on the Northern Silk Road"

Workshop "Prajñākaragupta and Yamāri", Institut für Indologie und Zentralasienwissenschaften, Universität Leipzig


6 June 2019: Monika Zin "Minor Deities in the Buddhist Paintings of Kucha"

Journée d'études "L'Inde et l'Asie centrale au 1er millénaire", Collège de France, Paris


10 May 2019: Monika Zin "Narrative Paintings in the Buddhist Monasteries of Kucha" (lecture) & "Kucha: How to read Buddhist Murals" (seminar)

Workshop "Methods Intensive: Medieval Buildings, Textiles and Murals", Max-Plank-Institute für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin


3–4 May 2019: International Conference "Mithra, Buddha, and Mani Walk into a Desert ...", Tang Center for Silk Road Studies, University of California, Berkeley

  • Satomi Hiyama "Non-Buddhist Religious Icons in the Mural Paintings of Early Buddhist Caves in Kucha and Dunhuang"
  • Ulf Jäger "Khotan and Rawak Vihara on the Southern Silk Road, 3rd to 8th century CE"


29 March 2019: Monika Zin "Wege ins Nirvana – Malereien in Kucha zwischen lokaler Innovation und indischem Erbe"

Schweizer-Indische Gesellschaft


27 March 2019: Satomi Hiyama "The Buddhist Community and Local Material Culture in the Kucha Kingdom as Seen in Mural Paintings"

Yale Macmillan Center, Council on East Asian Studies, Yale University


7 November 2018: International Conference "The Image as Instrument and as reflection of Ritual in Central Asia and the Himalaya: from Antiquity to the Present", Société Européenne pour l'Etude des Civilisations de l'Himalaya et de l'Asie Centrale (SEECHAC), 5–7 November, Napoli

  • Astrid Klein "Masked and Dressed Up People in Ritual Scenes on the Reliquaries of Kuča"
  • Monika Zin "The 'Parinirvāṇa Space' in Kucha"


22 October 2018: Monika Zin "Crossing the Ocean of saṃsāra: Berlin, Asian Art Museum, no. III 9023"

7th International Conference of Oriental Studies "Collections of Texts and Artefacts", Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Committee of Oriental Studies, 22–24 October 2018, Kraków


1 October 2018: Ines Konczak-Nagel "Darstellung von Städten in den Malereien Kučas"

Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin


24–29 September 2018: Monika Zin, Master Classes, Institute of East Asian Studies, Tang Center for Silk Road Studies, University of California, Berkeley, "Amaravati School", "The Paintings of Ajanta. Maritime Stories", "Illustrations of the Parinirvāṇa Story Cycle in Kucha", "Parinirvāṇa, First Council, Mahākāśyapa, and the Furtherance of Buddhist Teaching"


21 September 2018: Monika Zin "Art of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road along the Taklamakan Desert"

Asian Art Museum, Arts of Asia Lecture Series, Fall 2018 "Art on the Move across Asia and Beyond", San Francisco


12 September 2018: Satomi Hiyama "Bukkyo Hekiga kara Yomitoku Silk Road no Rekishi – Raise kann wo Chushin ni 仏教壁画から読み解くシルクロードの歴史 [History of the Silk Road Reflected in the Buddhist Mural Paintings: With a Special Focus on the Representations of Afterlife]"

11th Namuchan College Workshop, Chion-In Temple, Kyoto


8 September 2018: Astrid Klein "Dressed to Differ: Artists, Merchants, and other Figures in the Paintings of Kuča"

24th European Association of Archaeologists EAA Annual Meeting, University of Barcelona


24–26 July 2018: Workshop "Archaeology and Vinaya", Universität Leipzig / Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig

  • Luca De Fabritiis "The Ornamentation of Kizil and its Relation with the two Indo-Iranian Styles"
  • Satomi Hiyama "Dating of the Indo-Iranian Style Paintings of Kucha: On the Basis of Local Material Culture"
  • Astrid Klein "Vinaya Precepts on Silk and Their Reflection in the Kuča Paintings"
  • Ines Konczak-Nagel "Overview of Different Approaches to Establishing a Chronology of the Kucha Mural Paintings"


4 July 2018: Monika Zin "The Indian gryllos"

24th Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, Neapel


11 June 2018: Monika Zin "Sonne und Mond fest im Griff: Wie in Kuča die Götter Shiva und Vishnu zum Asura wurden"

Akademientag 2018, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin


8 June 2018: Satomi Hiyama "Simple Stylistic Matter or Reflection of Cultural Identities? Study on the Rock Monasteries with 'Indo-Iranian' Style Paintings in the Kucha Kingdom"

Annual conference of the Society of East Asian Archaeology, Nanjing University


12 May 2018: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Silk Road no Bijutsu Shiryo - Yomigaeru Sabaku no Bijutsukan シルクロードの美術資料―よみがえる砂漠の美術館 [Art of the Silk Road: The Museum of the Desert]"

Ryukoku University, Kyoto


18 April 2018: Satomi Hiyama "Indian Astral Deities in the Mural Paintings of Dunhuang Cave 285"

International workshop "Visualization of the Heavens", Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin


24 March 2018: Satomi Hiyama "Portrayal or Imaginative? Representations of the Monks' Robes in the Mural Paintings of Kucha"

Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference 2018, Marriot Wardman Park, Washington D.C.


1 March 2018: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Bukkyo Hekiga kara Yomitku Silk Road no Rekishi 仏教壁画から読み解くシルクロードの歴史 [History of the Silk Road Reflected in the Buddhist Mural Paintings]"

9th Namuchan College Workshop, Zojo-ji Temple, Tokyo


21 February 2018: Astrid Klein "Svayaṃprabhā's Skirt: Tracing a Royal Pattern from Kuča"

College Art Association CAA, 106th Annual Conference, Convention Center, 21–24 February, Los Angeles


12 February 2018: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Kodai Chugoku no Collection – Hekiga Danpen ni tsuite 古代中国のコレクションー壁画断片について [Ancient Chinese Collection: With the Focus on the Mural Fragments]"

8th Silk Road Workshop, Ikuo Hirayama Silk Road Museum, Kamakura


2 December 2017: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Tonko Bakkokutsu dai 285 kutsu seiheki no Hekiga ni mirareru Tentai no Zuzo no Shinkaisyaku 敦煌莫高窟第285窟西壁の壁画に見られる天体の図像の新解釈 [New Interpretation of the Astral Iconography in the Mural Paintings of the Western Wall of Mogao Cave 285, Dunhuang]"

Mikkyo Zuzo Gakkai (Association for Esoteric Buddhist Iconography), Koyasan University, Wakayama


24 November 2017: Monika Zin "Wenn der Buddha ins Nirvāṇa geht: Vorstellungen zum Fortbestehen der Lehre anhand der Malereien von Kuča"

Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Leipzig


21 November 2017: Monika Zin "Rome in India"

AGORA, Uppsala Universitet


20 November 2017: Monika Zin "The Buddha of the Caravans: Kizil Paintings between Indian, Mediterranean and Far Eastern Cultures"

Ancient Languages and Cultures & Silk Road Seminar, Forum for China Studies, Uppsala Universitet


23 October 2017: Monika Zin "The 'Sermon Scenes' of Kucha: Refinements and Conventionalization of the Indian Pictorial Tradition"

International conference of the Société Européenne pour l'Etude des Civilisations de l'Himalaya et de l'Asie Centrale (SEECHAC) "Peintures narratives et enseignements de l'Asie Centrale à l'Himalaya Narrative Paintings and Teachings from Central Asia to the Himalayas", Paris


9 October 2017: Monika Zin "Warum wir einen neuen Namen für Höhle 114 in Kizil brauchen"

Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Berlin


2 October 2017: Ines Konczak-Nagel "Development of a Database of Kucha Paintings"

Workshop "The Grand Exhibition on the Silk Road, SOSin – DENSin, Clone Cultural Property: Revitalization of Lost Time", Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokyo


29 September 2017: Ines Konczak-Nagel "Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road: A New Long-Term Research Project at the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig (Germany)" & "Representations of City Fortifications in Mural Paintings of Kucha"

Peking University, Beijing


25 September 2017: Ines Konczak-Nagel, Seminar "Art Historical Methodolgies with Focus on the Murals of Kucha"

Peking University, Beijing


24 September 2017: Ines Konczak-Nagel "The Headdress of Mythological Female Figures in the Buddhist Mural Paintings of the Tocharian Kingdom of Kucha (ca. 5th–7th Centuries): Another Point of View"

International Conference "Science, Art, and Fashion", Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing


20 September 2017: Hiromi Habata "Die Überlieferung der Jātaka- und Avadāna-Literatur in Zentralasien im Spiegel der tocharischen Texte"

33. Deutscher Orientalistentag, Jena


31 August 2017: Satomi Hiyama "Shaping the World, Mirroring the Heaven: Cosmological and Astral Images in Early Buddhist Mural Paintings in Chinese Border Regions"

Department of History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University


27 August 2017: Monika Zin "The Placement of the 'Former Deeds' in the Image Programmes of Buddhist Sanctuaries"

International Conference "Where the Buddha was Previously Born, Seen, and Heard: Transmission and Transformation of Rebirth Narratives in Art and Text within and beyond Gandhara", Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto


23 August 2017: Satomi Hiyama "Iconography of Sumeru in the Buddhist Art in Central Asia: Reflection of the Multilayered Worldview of Local Buddhists in the 5th–6th Centuries"

XVIIIth Congress of the International Association for Buddhist Studies IABS", University of Toronto


26 July 2017: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Ushinawareta Silk Road Hekiga no Kenkyu to Fukugen: Kenkyu hen (2) Silk Road Kodai Hekiga no Bijutsushi 失われたシルクロード壁画の研究と復元:研究篇(2)シルクロード古代壁画の美術史 [Research and Reconstruction of the Lost Mural Paintings of the Silk Road: Research Part II, Art History of the Mural Paintings of the Ancient Silk Road]"

Extension Center, Waseda University, Tokyo


8 June 2017: Satomi Hiyama "The Buddhist Mural Paintings of Kucha: Introduction" & "'Reading' of the Buddhist Mural Paintings of Kucha"

Renmin University, Beijing


29 May 2017: Monika Zin "Was der Buddha lehrt: Die bildliche Wiedergabe von Lehrinhalten in den Darstellungen des predigenden Buddha in Zentralasien"

Vortrag & Diskussion im Rahmen der Reihe "Visual Culture and Anthropology in Antiquity", Universität Freiburg


26 March 2017: Satomi Hiyama "Unravelling the Threads of 'Kucha Brocade': Reflection of the Flow of the Textiles along the Silk Road in Buddhist Mural Paintings of the 5th–6th Centuries AD"

Interdisciplinary Conference "Culture Contacts in Ancient Worlds: Theories and Case Studies", China Centre, University of Oxford


25 March 2017: Fang Wang & Ruixuan Chen "How does the Āṭavika Ghost get into the Festival?"

International Workshop "Evolving through Context: The Transformation of Buddhism(s) and Their Legitimations", 24–25 March 2017, Munich


23 March 2017: Monika Zin "Buddhist Art's Late Bloomer: The Genius and Influence of Gandhara"

International Workshop "Problems of Chronology in Gandharan Art", Gandhara Connections Project, Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford


19 February 2017: Hiromi Habata "Did the Bodhisattva-vinaya Exist? The Situation of the Bodhisattva Precepts in India before the Systematization"

International Conference "Bodhisattva Precepts in East Asian Perspective and Beyond", University of California, Berkeley


4 February 2017: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Kodai Kucha koku no Bukkyo Sekkutsu Hekiga – Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Bijutsukan no Collection wo Chushin ni 古代クチャ国の仏教石窟壁画―平山郁夫シルクロード美術館のコレクションを中心に [Mural Paintings of the Buddhist Rock Monasteries of the Ancient Kucha Kingdom: With a Focus on the Collection of the Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Museum]"

"7th Silk Road Workshop", Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Museum, Kamakura


10 January 2017: Monika Zin "Paintings in the Buddhist Monasteries of Kucha"

Lecture on the occasion of the visit of Venerable Miaoyi, Fo-Guang-Shan Temple (Berlin), Institute of Indology and Central Asian Studies, Leipzig University


2 December 2016: Ines Konczak-Nagel "The New Long-term Academy Project 'Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road"

Workshop "Heritage from the Silk Road: Current and Future Conservation, Excavation and Research Projects in Kizil and Turfan (China), New Delhi (India), Karabalgasun (Mongolia), Leipzig, Bonn and Berlin (Germany)


22 November 2016: Monika Zin "Paintings in the Buddhist Monasteries of Kucha"

Société Européenne pour l'Etude des Civilisations de l'Himalaya et de l'Asie Centrale, Paris


18 November 2016: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Saiiki Bukkyo Bijutsu no Digital Archive: Kucha no Bukkyo Hekiga no Jirei kara 西域仏教美術のデジタルアーカイブ:クチャの仏教壁画の事例から [Digital Archive of Central Asian Buddhist Art: Case Study of the Buddhist Wall Paintings of Kucha]"

Workshop "Chuo Asia shutsudo shiryo no Digital Archive: sono genjo to kadai", Ryukoku University, Kyoto


3 November 2016: Monika Zin "Wer denkt schon ans Nirvana! Sorgen und Wünsche buddhistischer Gläubiger im Spiegel der Malereien von Ajanta"

"Buddha. Sammler öffnen ihre Schatzkammern – 232 Meisterwerke buddhistischer Kunst aus 2.000 Jahren", Ringvorlesung im Rahmen der Ausstellung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken und der Universität Trier, Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte


24 October 2016: International Conference "Art and Religions in Pre-Islamic Central Asia", Polish Institute of World Art Studies, 24–26 October 2016, Kraków

  • Robert Arlt & Satomi Hiyama "Wandering of Indian Jester in Central Asia: The Iconography of Vidūṣaka Reconsidered"
  • Meng Yu & Tao Pan "The Tigress Story in Central Asia – A New Textual Version Rediscovered in Tocharian"
  • Fang Wang & Ruixuan Chen  "A Disscussion on the Āṭavika Yakṣa Figure in the Ghost Festival Woodcut Print in Medieval Dunhuang"
  • Monika Zin "Buddha's Last Journey: Paintings in the 'Parinirvāṇa Space' in the Caves of Kucha"


7 October 2016: Monika Zin "Sanskrit Culture on the Silk Road: Buddhist Paintings in the Monasteries of Kucha"

Masterclasses, International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden University


6 October 2016: Monika Zin "Buddhist Stories Carved in Stone: On the Techniques of Narrative Representation in Ancient India"

International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS Lecture), Rijksmuseum


14 September 2016: Monika Zin "Malereien von Kucha"

Schweizerisch-Indische Gesellschaft Basel


10 September 2016: Fang Wang 王芳 "Shilun qiuci shiku di' er zhong huafeng dongku quanding bihua de changuan yiha 試論龜茲石窟第二種畫風 洞窟券頂壁畫的禪觀意涵 [On the Meditative Connotation of the Second Pictorial Style Murals on the Vaulted-ceiling of Kucha Grottoes]"

Hanchuan fojiao qingnian xuezhe luntan 漢傳佛教青年學者論壇 [Young Scholars' Chinese Buddhism Forum], 9–10 September 2016, Taipei


20 August 2016: Satomi Hiyama "Decorating Monastic Throne: Comparative Analysis of the Representation of Textiles Decorating the Monks' Thrones in Early Caves in Dunhuang"

2016 Dunhuang Forum "Mingled Traditions and Innovation: International Conference in Commemoration of the 1650th Anniversary of the Mogao Grottoes", Dunhuang Academy


11 August 2016: Ines Konczak-Nagel, ganztägiger Workshop "Einführung in die buddhistische Kunst"

Cusanuswerk Ferienakademie "Erwachen und Erlöschen: Annäherungen an den Buddhismus", Lingen


20 July 2016: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Saiiki no hekiga ni hanei sareta 5–8 seiki no Silk Road ni okeru orimono no ryutsu jokyo ni kansuru shiron 西域の壁画に反映された5~8世紀のシルクロードにおける織物の流通状況に関する試論 [Preliminary Study on the Circulation of the Textiles along the Silk Road in 5th–8th Century as Reflected in Central Asian Wall Paintings]"

The 57th Chuo Asia gaku Forum, Osaka University


16 June 2016: Monika Zin "The Paintings in the Caves of Ajanta and Their Soteriological Significance" & "Between India and China: The Paintings in the Buddhist Caves of Kucha"

International Conference "Grottes bouddhiques: Monastères, sanctuaires ou temples ancestraux?", L'Ecole Française d'Extrême Orient, Paris


11 June 2016: Satomi Hiyama 檜山智美 "Kucha no Bukkyo hekiga ni mirareru kyutei dokeshi Vidusaka no zuzo no kosatsu クチャの仏教壁画に見られる宮廷道化師Vidusakaの図像の考察 [Study on the Iconography of Vidūṣaka as Seen in the Buddhist Wall Paintings of Kucha]"

Ryukoku University, Kyoto


2 June 2016: Hiyama, Satomi 檜山智美 "Kijikoku no Bukkyo sekkutsu hekiga no zuzogaku: Daiichi Indo Iran yoshiki hekiga to daini Indo Iran yoshiki hekiga no bunkateki sai wo meguru sogoteki bunseki 亀茲国の仏教石窟壁画の図像学 ‐第一インド・イラン様式壁画と 第二インド・イラン様式壁画の文化的差異をめぐる 総合的分析 [Iconography of the Wall Paintings of the Buddhist Caves of the Kucha Kingdom: Comprehensive Analysis on the Cultural Difference of the Wall Paintings in the First and Second Indo-Iranian styles]"

Ryukoku University, Kyoto


15 April 2016: Ines Konczak-Nagel "The Pictorial Program in the Cella of Cave 178 in Kizil (Schluchthöhle)"

International Workshop "New Perspectives on Buddhist Visual and Manuscript Cultures of the Silk Road", Georgetown University, Washington D.C.


2 April 2016: Monika Zin, Expert discussant of the panel "Localisation and Transmission of Buddhist Narratives in Gandharan Written and Visual Media"

Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, 31 March – 4 April 2016, Seattle


24 February 2016: "Auf Spurensuche nach Kočos einstiger Holzarchitektur"

Collegium Turfanicum anlässlich des 80. Geburtstages von Dr. Lore Sander, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften


24 February 2016: Satomi Hiyama "Kleider der Seidenstraße: Textildarstellungen in den buddhistischen Wandmalereien der Kucha-Region"

Festvortrag zum 80. Geburtstag von Dr. Lore Sander, Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin


Konferenzen und Workshops im Rahmen des Projekts / Conferences and workshops as part of the project / 项目承办会议与研讨会


16–20 September 2024: 26th International Conference of the European Association for South Asian Archaeology and Art, Universität Leipzig / Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig

organised by the Kucha Project Team led by Monika Zin and Ines Konczak-Nagel


16 September 2024 (Monday)
17 September 2024 (Tuesday)


26th EASAA Conference 2024


27–28 May 2024: Workshop "Die Tocharer von Kuča: Ihre Kleidung, ihre Identität" ["The Tocharians in Kucha: Their Clothing, Their Identity"]

organised by the Kucha Project Team led by Monika Zin and Ines Konczak-Nagel 

Participants of the Workshop "Die Tocharer von Kuča: Ihre Kleidung, ihre Identität" ["The Tocharians in Kucha: Their Clothing, Their Identity"]

27 May 2024 (Monday)
  • Monika Zin: Kurze Einführung: Warum dieser Workshop? [Short Introduction: Why this Workshop?]
  • Robert Schulz: Ethnizität in Kuča zwischen Selbst- und Fremdzuschreibung: Einige Vorschläge zur Einordnung [Ethnicity in Kucha between Self-Attribution and External Attribution: Some Suggestions for Classification]
  • Marion Frenger: Sūrya und seine Kleidung – zwischen Identitätsstiftung und Anpassung? [Sūrya and His Dress – Means of Identity Creation and Adaptation?]
28 May 2024 (Tuesday); Respondentin: Ines Konczak-Nagel
  • Dominika Klimaszewski & Yi Xie: Zentralasiatische Kaufleute in den buddhistischen narrativen Szenen [Central Asian Merchants in Buddhist Narrative Depictions]
  • Astrid Klein: Kleidung als Erkennungsmerkmal? – Kopfbedeckungen in Stifterbildern und bei jātaka-Figuren [Clothing as a Distinguishing Feature? - Headgear in Donor Paintings and Jātaka Figures]
  • Monika Zin: Darstellungen der "nördlichen" Menschen in der indischen Kunst [Depictions of "Northern" People in Indian Art]
  • Mercedes Tortorici: Ajanta – Kubera, Genien "Becher-in-Hand" und die Śākyas in Kapilavastu [Ajanta – Kubera, the "Cup-In-Hand" Genii, and the Śākyas of Kapilavastu]
  • Olga Kienzler: Buddhistische Magie in Kunst und Schriften von Kuča [Buddhist Magic in Art and Writings of Kucha]
  • Christiane Schäfer: Strahlglanz- und Buddha'würde' [Radiance and Buddha 'Dignity']


2–5 November 2021: "Kucha and Beyond. Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to the Himalayas", 6th International Conference of the SEECHAC (Société Européenne pour l'Étude des civilisation de l'Himâlaya et des l'Asie Centrale), Universität Leipzig / Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig

organised by the Kucha Project Team led by Monika Zin and Ines Konczak-Nagel



SEECHAC 2021 Participants


24–26 July 2018: Workshop "Archaeology and Vinaya Precepts"

organised by the Kucha Project Team led by Monika Zin and Ines Konczak-Nagel

24 July 2018 (Tuesday)Participants of the Workshop "Archaeology and Vinaya Precepts"
  • Ines Konczak-Nagel: Overview of the different approaches to establish a chronology of the Kucha mural paintings
  • Giuseppe Vignato: Archaeological dating of the rock monasteries of Kuča: Su Bai's method and some new ideas
  • Lilla Russell-Smith: Musings in the museum – how should we date the objects for the new galleries in the Humboldt Forum. A practical consideration.
  • Satomi Hiyama: Dating of the Indo-Iranian style paintings of Kucha on the basis of the local material culture
  • Luca De Fabritiis: The ornamentation of Kizil and its relation with the two Indo-Iranian styles
  • Monika Zin: Recognizing Indian prototypes in Kucha
25 July 2018 (Wednesday)
  • Michaël Peyrot: Dating Kuchean: Usefulness and uselessness of chronological clues from the Tocharian B language, script and texts
  • Lore Sander: Some remarks on the content of the earliest Sanskrit manuscripts found at Kizil and the earliest Vinaya fragments
  • Petra Kieffer-Pülz: Vinaya and Saṅgha in relation to Kucha
  • Giuseppe Vignato: Locating boundaries and tracing the development of Kizil District Five
  • Caren Dreyer: Synopsis of architectural layouts of monasteries and temples as they have been published by A. Grünwedel and a tentative comparison with findings from North India and Gandhara
26 July 2018 (Thursday)
  • Astrid Klein: Vinaya precepts on silk and their reflection in the Kucha paintings
  • Monika Zin: 40 monasteries of Nagarjunakonda and their school affiliations
  • Robert Arlt: Layout of Buddhist sites in South India
  • Dieter Maue: Die gaṇḍī, Teil II


Gastvorträge / Guest lectures / 客座讲座


28 Mai 2024, Dr. Christiane Schäfer, Dept. of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University

"Radiance and Buddha 'Dignity'" (Lecture in German: "Strahlglanz und Buddha'würde'")

The semantically complex Tocharian TB perne / TA paräṃ 'splendour, radiance, glory; rank, (Buddha)dignity, status' is a loanword belonging to the oldest strand of Iranian loanwords to the Tocharian language. It is attested in Buddhist Sogdian prn [parn] 'fortune; glory; high rank' and in Khotansak phārra 'rank of Buddha; splendour'. In Old Iranian, the Zoroastrian-connoted, semantically challenging Avestan xᵛarənah- 'splendour, radiance, (ruler's) luck, success, prosperity' and Old Persian ᵒfarnah- (cf. PN Vindafarnah-) correspond. The subject of my lecture will be twofold: firstly, the light appearance aspects in the broad spectrum of meaning of the Tocharian terms, and secondly, the question of how a primarily Zoroastrian concept could find its way into Buddhist terminology and imagination.


27 Mai 2024, Marion Frenger, Independent Scholar, Bonn

"Sūrya and his dress – means of identity creation and adaptation?" (Lecture in German: "Sūrya und seine Kleidung – zwischen Identitätsstiftung und Anpassung?")

The development of the worship of an anthropomorphic sun god in northern India has been repeatedly discussed over the decades; an essential question shaping this discussion was summarised by Adalbert Gail in the title of his 1978 article, "Der Sonnenkult im alten Indien – Eigengewächs oder Import?" (The sun cult in ancient India – homegrown or imported?) (ZDMG 128, pp. 333–348).Surya, Barsana, Mathura District, India © Marion Frenger
A key argument in favour of the thesis that the sun cult was imported to India and did not primarily grow out of the older indigenous sun worship was the clothing of the god and his companions Daṇḍin and Piṅgala, who were added to the sun image in ca. the 4th century. With the long, close-fitting robe, the conical headdress and the boots, the attire resembles the clothing of various Central Asian equestrian peoples, as it was prominently depicted in both Gandhara and Mathura during the Kuṣāṇa period. Interestingly, essential elements of this clothing not only remained part of the iconography of Sūrya and his attendants far beyond the end of the Kuṣāṇa presence in northern India, but were only really depicted in detail in the later sculptures.
The lecture presents the development of the clothing of the sun god and his attendants up to the 8th–9th century in the north Indian Gangetic plain, looks at the simultaneous development in the northwest of the subcontinent and the various interpretations of the clothing by scholars in the 19th and 20th centuries. For the sake of completeness, it also includes a excursus on Revanta, the last-born son of the sun god. He has been depicted as an independent god in cult images since roughly the 5th–6th century and his appearance is repeatedly described as similar to that of the sun god in literary sources.


18 April 2024, Noor Agha Noori, Freie Universität Berlin, Languages and Cultures of the Silk Road

"Buddhist Archaeological Sites in the Kabul Region (Greater Gandhara)"

The Kabul region holds a rich historical and geographical significance that has played a vital role in shaping the cultural and historical landscape of South Asia. The current Kabul province is surrounded by Parwan, Kapisa and Logar along with Laghman, Nangarhar, Maidan Wardak provinces, where once it was the main center of Buddhism in the region for more than 1000 years. The region was part of the greater Gandhara, a country with rich, lush valleys, towering mountains, and a delightful climate situated on the borderland between InTope Dara Excavationdia and western Asia. The high-quality physical resources available in the region suggest a prolonged history of Buddhist practices. The origins of Buddhism can be traced back to the mid-3rd century BCE, when the emperor Ashoka dispatching missions to propagate his newly embraced faith in the region.
The Kabul region is one of the most explored parts of the country which showcased the rich collection of Buddhist Heritage, although due to war and conflict the outcome was not published frequently. These rich Heritage sites reflect the strategic role of the areas located along the Ancient Silk Road which connects India, China, Central Asia and Iran. After enhancement of the official archaeological exploration in 1922 in the country, the area has been studied by national and international archaeologists particularly more focused have been driven after the establishment of Archaeological Institute in 1966. However, the areas rich Buddhist Heritage was explored unofficially or illegally in the past centuries. In the current presentation I will introduce the Buddhist archaeological sites namely Shewaki, Goldara, Tape Naranj, Tape Maranjan, Qole Tout, Mes Aynak, Tope Dara, Khumzargar etc. located in the region which have been explored recently by Afghan Archaeologists.


7 March 2024, Prof. Dr. Yoko Nishimura, Toyo University, TokyoProf. Yoko Nishimura

"Historical photographs of the German Turfan Expeditions and the current status of the archaeological sites they explored"

The German Turfan expeditions to Chinese Central Asia, which took place between 1902 and 1914, published many records of their investigations. These records included photographs of the sites they explored, which were taken on glass plates during their travels. Some of these historical photographs have remained unpublished to this day because the locations and current state of the archaeological sites depicted in them are not entirely clear. Prof. Dr. Nishimura collaborated with Peking University and the cultural relics bureaus in Xinjiang to identify these archaeological sites. In this lecture, she will present the current status of the sites investigated by the German team based on the results of her work.


8 February 2024, Prof. Dr. Neil Schmid, Dunhuang Academy

"Royal Regalia and Vestiges of Sasanian Sacred Kingship in Mogao 98"

Dating from the fifth to the fourteenth century, the Mogao Caves in northwestern China contain a wealth of information charting the flows and interactions of diverse cultures across Eurasia. Donor portraits in particular furnish a remarkable range of data on the ethnicity, interregional relations, politics, and the social and religious status of the caves' patrons. Of the thousands of donor portraits painted on the Depiction of a Khotanese king in Mogao Cave 98walls of the Mogao Caves, one in particular stands out for its size, meticulously painted details, and unique iconography, that in Mogao Cave 98 of Viśa' Saṃbhava (Li Shengtian 李聖天), the King of Khotan (r. 912–c.966) and ally of the ruling élites of Dunhuang. Scholars typically consider his royal regalia to be completely Chinese in origin and style, and the king the representative of a Buddhist kingdom. However, a detailed analysis of the portrait demonstrates neither is the case. Instead, his garb and adjacent symbols reveal a richly coherent network of iconography and accoutrements largely Iranian in origin and Sasanian at heart, foregrounding core concepts of divine kingship as predicated on xwarrah, 'divine glory.' Drawing on a wide array of visual and material resources such as sculpture, seals, metalware, and numismatic evidence from Iran and Central Asia, this talk presents for the first time a thoroughly revised analysis of Viśa' Saṃbhava's portrait. I demonstrate how the royal costume and associate ornamental motifs belong to a shared visual culture of imperial legitimacy grounded in symbols of investiture that span a vast geographical and temporal range, here still very much authoritative during the 10th century in a largely Chinese context. Given our lack of knowledge about non-Buddhist aspects of Khotan, this portrait and its sacred imagery are invaluable for reexamining fundamental notions of sovereignty in the Kingdom of Khotan. At the same time, this detailed investigation establishes a robust framework to understand how a diversity of phenomena, ranging from Kashmiri Utpala dynasty (855–1003) sculptures of Viṣṇu to Tobatsu Bishamonten 兜跋毘沙門天 statues of Heian Japan (794–1185), all draw on a richly interconnected constellation of sacred concepts and a visual culture of kingship originating in Sassanid Iran and demonstrative of a shared 'kosmos of power.'


22 January 2024, Juniorprofessorin Dr. Kathrin Holz, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg

Part of a scroll from the mid-10th century containing incantations in Brahmi script (British Library, public domain.)

"Magical Words and Textual Amulets: Some Thoughts on Apotropaic Practices in Early Indian Buddhism"

Apotropaic texts are meant to provide protection and to ward off disease, danger, and any kind of calamity. A significant feature of these texts is the fact that they were not only preserved and handed down, but were actually used in ritual practices, as archaeological and epigraphic finds prove. Preparing and wearing textual amulets is one of those practices. These amulets contain texts credited with magical powers. Many of the texts are, however, silent about their usage in protective rites, and it is the manuscript itself that has to reveal its story. The coexistence of the written text and its material carrier and setting plays a decisive role in the amulet cult. The efficacy of textual amulets is achieved through the interplay of text, form, and function. Wearing amulets for protective purposes represents a ritual practice that does not aim at attaining Buddhahood, but reflects everyday concerns of the Buddhist community, which only recently gained scholarly attention.


14 June 2023, Dr. Shing Müller, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

"Colourful things from the 'Dark Ages': New Insights in the Material Cultur of Northern China in the Early Middle Ages" (Lecturen in German: "Buntes aus dem 'Dunklen Zeitalter': Neue Einblicke in die materielle Kultur Nordchinas im frühen Mittelalter")

Naked strongmen supporting the stone funerary bed from the tomb of Sima Jinlong, Datong Museum © Dr. Shing Müller

The early Chinese Middle Ages, especially in the period from the 4th to the 6th century, is popularly referred to as the "Dark Ages". The main reason for this is that the entire Yellow River basin, the cradle of Chinese advanced civilization, was dominated for nearly 200 years by the Xianbei from the Far Eastern steppe.
New archaeological findings, however, paint a different picture, one of a vital, multicultural society. Massive migrations and political, cultural and economic contacts, preserved in written sources, left clear traces in grave finds. People from other parts of China, from the Korean peninsula, the steppes, the Tarim Basin, or areas farther west came to northern China or were resettled there; they brought with them the respective cultural memory of their areas of origin. The coexistence of these people apparently resulted in cultural elements being mixed and reinterpreted in different ways. As a result, numerous unprecedented forms, styles, objects, and ritual practices have been observed in the legacies of this period. In this lecture, I will deal with the material culture of northern China, which has only gradually become known in the last 20 years, and present some findings that exemplify the cultural events that took place during the aforementioned period.


30 Junary 2023, Dr. Gerald Kozicz, Institut für Architektur und Medien, Technische Universität Graz & Dr. Di Luo, Connecticut College, New London

"The Architecture of Meru: From the World Mountain to the Diamond Seat"


26 Oktober 2022, Prof. Dr. Osmund Bopearachchi, Group in Buddhist Studies, University of California Berkeley

"The heavily armoured equestrian warriors in Central Asia: numismatic and sculptural evidence"


17 January 2022 (online), Dr. Liu Tao, Capital Normal University, Peking

Art and Architecture of the late caves of Kucha (Tang and Uyghur Style)"


16 July 2019, Dr. Petra Kieffer-Pülz, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz

Das Leben buddhistischer Mönche und Nonnen in Klöstern der mittleren Periode"


28 Oktober 2019, Dr. Gerald Kozicz, Institut für Architektur und Medien, Technische Universität Graz

Über den Karakorum: Hinweise auf frühe kulturelle Verbindungen zwischen Zentralasien und dem westlichen Himalaya in Architektur und Kunst"


16 April 2019, Prof. Dr. Osmund Bopearachchi, Group in Buddhist Studies, University of California Berkeley

"Spread of Gandhāran Motifs along the Silk Roads"


18 June 2019, Prof. Dr. Michael Alram, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Die Münzprägung der Hunnen in Zentralasien und NW-Indien"


15 January 2019, Prof. Dr. Lars-Christian Koch, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin

"Rabindra Sangit – Die Lieder Rabindranath Tagores: Mündliche Überlieferung, Notation, Copyright und moderne Medien in ihrer Interpretationsgeschichte"


13 November 2018, Prof. Dr. Zhen Liu, Fudan University, Shanghai, National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies

"Argaḍa und Nirargaḍa"


26 October 2018, Dr. Caren Dreyer, Museum für Asiatische Kunst

"Die Turfan-Expeditionen"


25 June 2018, Prof. Dr. Seema Bawa, University of Delhi

"Gendered Narratives in Early Indian Art"


5 June 2018, Prof. Dr. Tomasz Torbus, Universität Danzig (Uniwersytet Gdański), Historische Fakultät

"Kreuzfahrerarchitektur im Nahen Osten. Kulturtransfer zwischen Byzanz, islamischer Welt und Westeuropa?"


17 April 2018, Dr. Dieter Maue, Independent Scholar, Cölbe-Schwarzenborn

Die Gaṇḍī – eine Nachlese" (Herrn Prof. Dr. Schlingloff zum 90. Geburtstag)


6 February 2018, Michiyo Mori, Tokyo University of the Arts

"Formation of the Pranidhi (Vyakarana) paintings in Kucha"


20 June 2017, Dr. Jutta Jain-Neubauer, Independent Scholar, Delhi

"Wasser-Architektur in Indien. Ihre Bauform, Struktur und kulturelle Programmierung"


23 May 2017, Prof. Dr. Max Deeg, University of Cardiff / Käte-Hamburger-Kolleg, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

"Der Buddha im 'Wilden Westen' – Jātakas und andere Geschichten in Gandhāra"


14 February 2017, Prof. Dr. Chongfeng Li, School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking Universiy

"Representation of Buddha's Parinirvāṇa in the Chētiyagharas of Kizil, Kucha"


8 November 2016, Prof. Dr. Charles Willemen, International Buddhist College, Songkhla, Thailand

"Kumarajiva and his Work"


26 July 2016, Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Vignato, Peking University, School of Archaeology and Museology, Centre for the Study of Chinese Archaeology

"Archaeology of Kizil Caves"


28 June 2016, Dr. Zhao Li, Kucha Research Academy, Urumqi

Cooperation talk


14 June 2016: PD Dr. Hiromi Habata, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Institut für Indologie und Tibetologie

"Vorstellungen vom Tod des Buddha in der buddhistischen Literatur"


Wissenskommunikation und -transfer / Science communication and transfer / 学术传播与交流


23 June 2023 Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften / Science Night / 科学之夜

The project presented the digital search game for young and old "Find the ...!" with explanations of the iconography and individual pictorial elements of the Buddhist murals of Kucha, as well as the working methods of the project members.

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2023


4 March 2022 Virtueller Werkstattbesuch / Virtual Workshop Tour / 虚拟工作坊

To present its work, the project has invited a virtual visit (online) "Auf der Spur– Dokumentation und Entschlüsselung buddhistischer Malereien der Kuča-Oase":

March 2022 Projekt des Monats / Project of the Month / 月度之星

In March 2022 the project was selected as "Project of the Month" and had the opportunity to present an insight into the aims and current work of the project: Virtuell vereint: Buddhistische Höhlenmalereien der Kuča-Region / Virtually united: Buddhist cave paintings from the Kuča region


July 2021 Zahl der Woche / Number of the Week / 一周一数

The number 194 – referring to the number of painted caves in Kucha – was the starting point for another online presentation of the project, this time in the context of "Number of the Week", a two-year series on projects currently hosted by the members of the Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities: Week 27 of the calendar


22 June 2018 Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften / Science Night / 科学之夜

At the 2018 Science Night, the project presented two lectures in the main hall of the Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Leipzig:

  • Monika Zin "Neue Namen für alte buddhistische Höhlentempel"
    Die Klosteranlagen in Kuča an der Nördlichen Seidenstraße wurden zu Beginn des 20. Jh. von den Königlich-Preußischen Expeditionen untersucht und dokumentiert. Dabei gab man den einzelnen Höhlen Namen nach den prägnantesten Elementen in den Wandmalereien. Die Untersuchungen der Malereien an der SAW bringen neue Erkenntnisse, darunter auch Revisionen der Tempelnamen.
  • Ines Konczak-Nagel "Wie stellt man Dämonen dar?"
    Diese Frage stellten sich die Maler, die damit beauftragt wurden, die Klosteranlagen von Kuča an der nördlichen Seidenstraße mit buddhistischen Themen auszugestalten und dabei auch bedrohliche Geister der Gegend zeigen wollten. Als Antwort erschufen sie eine völlig neue Bildsprache, deren Entschlüsselung Teil der Erforschung der Wandmalereien an der SAW ist.
Akademienprogramm Gesamt

Übersicht über alle laufenden Forschungsprojekte im Akademienprogramm:

Zum AGATE-Portal, Forschungsinformationssystem der Wissenschaftsakademien:

Gelehrter Antisemitismus: Spannung und Kontroverse im Zeitalter der Emanzipation 03.04.2025 17:15 - 19:00 — Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Karl-Tauchnitz-Straße 1, 04107 Leipzig
Buchpräsentation: Die Inschriften der Stadt Eisleben 04.04.2025 17:00 - 20:00 — Rathaus der Lutherstadt Eisleben, Markt 1, 06295 Eisleben
Workshop: Der Gender-Data-Gap in der geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschung – Geschlechterrepräsentanz und Geschlechterrollen in digitalen Daten 09.04.2025 10:30 - 13:30 — Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Karl-Tauchnitz-Straße 1, 04107 Leipzig
Quantum Mechanics and Avant-Garde Music: Shadows of the Void 10.04.2025 19:00 - 20:30 — Bibliotheca Albertina, Beethovenstraße 6, 04107 Leipzig (Vortragssaal)
Öffentliche Frühjahrssitzung 2025 11.04.2025 16:00 - 18:00 — Festsaal des Alten Rathauses zu Leipzig, Markt 1, 04109 Leipzig
Goethe: Briefe. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe, Buchpräsentation Band 5 (1782–1784) 24.04.2025 17:00 - 19:00 — Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv, Jenaer Straße 1, 99425 Weimar (Vortragssaal 1. OG)
Öffentlicher Vortrag zum Thema Computer als Kulturmaschinen – Musik und Künstliche Intelligenz im historischen Kontext 25.04.2025 11:15 - 12:15 — Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Karl-Tauchnitz-Straße 1, 04107 Leipzig

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