Publikationen / Publications / 出版物

Leipzig Kucha Studies

Volume 1

Konczak-Nagel, Ines / Zin, Monika, 2020, Essays and Studies in the Art of Kucha. New Delhi: Dev Publishers, Leipzig Kucha Studies 1.

Volume 2

Zin, Monika, 2020, Representations of the Parinirvāṇa Story Cycle in Kucha. New Delhi: Dev Publishers, Leipzig Kucha Studies 2.

Volume 3

Vignato, Giuseppe / Hiyama, Satomi, 2022, Traces of the Sarvāstivādins in the Buddhist Monasteries of Kucha. With Appendices by Petra Kieffer-Pülz and Yoko Taniguchi. New Delhi: Dev Publishers, Leipzig Kucha Studies 3.

Volume 4

Zin, Monika, 2023, Gods, Deities, and Demons in the Paintings of Kucha. New Delhi: Dev Publishers, Leipzig Kucha Studies 4.

Volume 5

De Fabritiis, Luca, 2024, Ornamental and Decorative Repertoire in the Murals of Kizil. New Delhi: Dev Publishers, Leipzig Kucha Studies 5.

Volume 6

Franco, Eli / Ramble, Charles / Zin Monika (edd.), 2025, Kucha and Beyond, Divine and Human Landscapes from Central Asia to China. Proceedings of a Conference of the European Society for the Study of Central Asian and Himalayan Civilisations (SEECHAC) held in Leipzig, 2–4 November 2021. New Delhi: Dev Publishers, Leipzig Kucha Studies 6.


Articles in Journals and Chapters in Books


  • De Fabritiis, 2024,The Depiction Of The Double-Headed Eagle Fighting Snakes: An Example From Kizil Cave 167. Rivista degli Studi Orientali 97/4, pp. 207–225.

  • Hiyama, Satomi 檜山智美, 2024, Kucha to Engi no Bukkyo bijutsu to sono bijutsu クチャと焉耆の仏教遺跡とその美術 [History of Buddhist Art and Architecture in Kucha and Yanqi]. In: The Institute of Oriental Philosophy (ed.) Silk Road Kenkyu Ronshu dai 2 kan, Bukkyo tozen no michi: Saiiki, Chugoku, Kyokuto hen シルクロード研究論集第 2 巻 仏教東漸の道 西域・中国・極東篇 / Silk Road Research Studies Vol. II: The Eastward Transmission of Buddhism: Western Regions, China and Far East, Tokyo: The Institute of Oriental Philosophy, pp. 41–75.

  • Hiyama, Satomi, 2024, Iconographical Remarks on the Mural Fragments from the Kizil Grottoes in the Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Museum. In: Majumdar, Susmita Basu (ed.) Transcending Boundaries. Premodern Cultural Transactions across Asia. Essays in Honour of Osmund Bopearachchi. Delhi: Primus Books, pp. 332–361.

  • Hiyama, Satomi 檜山智美 & Kitsudo, Koichi 橘堂晃一, 2024, Kucha Subashi togan jiin shi no 'Jigoku-e' hekiga no bunseki – dai ichiji Otani tankentai no kiroku wo tegakarini クチャ・スバシ東岸寺院址の 「地獄繪」壁画の分析―第一次大谷探検隊の記録を手掛かりに― [Study on the Wall Paintings of the "Hell Scenes" Found in a Temple of the Subashi East Monastery, Kucha: Reconstructive Analysis Based on the Records of the First Otani Expedition]. Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies 国際仏教学大学院大学研究紀要 28, pp. 93–132.

  • Zin, Monika, 2024, From Gandhara to Kucha and Back Again. In: Majumdar, Susmita Basu (ed.) Transcending Boundaries. Premodern Cultural Transactions across Asia. Essays in Honour of Osmund Bopearachchi. Delhi: Primus Books, pp. 309–331.

  • Zin, Monika, 2024, Sun and Moon in the Paintings of Kucha. In: Brentjes, Rana / Brentjes, Sonja/ Mastorakou, Stamatina (edd.) Imagining the Heaven across Eurasia. From Antiquity to Early Modernity. Sesto San Giovanni: Memesis International, pp. 177–190, pls. 10.1–10.8.


  • Hiyama, Satomi 檜山智美, 2023, Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Bijutsukan shozo no santen no Kizil sekkutsu hekigahen ni tsuite - Gen'ichi to zuzo naiyo no bunseki 平山郁夫シルクロード美術館所蔵の三点のキジル石窟壁画片について―原位置と図像内容の分析― [Study on the Three Mural Fragments from Kizil Caves Kept in the Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Museum: Provenience and Iconography]. Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Bijutukan Kiyo 平山郁夫シルクロード美術館紀要 [Bulletin of the Hirayama Ikuo Silk Road Museum] 5, pp. 3–29.

  • Konczak-Nagel, Ines, 2023, Das duftende Pratyekabuddha-Skelett: Identifizierung der Darstellung eines vor dem Buddha aus dem Boden erscheinenden Skeletts in den Malereien von Kizil. Indo-Asiatische Zeitschrift 27, pp. 4–13.

  • Wang, Fang 王芳, 2023, Qiuci bihua Jiaye koushuo zhenshiyu liaoyu fozu tuxiang bianxi 龟兹壁画迦叶口说真实语疗愈佛足图像辨析 [New Identification of Two Mural Paintings of Kuchan Grottoes: Kāśyapa Healing the Buddha’s Foot with Statement of Truth]. Xiyu yanjiu 西域研究 / The Western Regions Studies 3, pp. 154–167.

  • Wang, Fang 王芳, 2023, Silu beidao de Tianzhu fengqing: Kezi’er 110 ku fozhuan hunli tu jiqi fanju yuansu 丝路北道的天竺风情: 克孜尔110窟佛传婚礼图及其梵剧元素 [Cultural Encounters of Ancient India with the Northern Branch of the Silk Road: The Wedding Scene from the Life of the Buddha in Kizil Cave 110 and Its Elements from Sanskrit Drama]. Zhongwai wenhua yu wenlun 中外文化与文论 / Cultural Studies and Literary Theory 53, pp. 92–101.

  • Wang, Fang, 2023, The Wall Painting of “Siddhārtha Descending on the Elephant” in Kizil Cave 110. In: Zhan, Ru / Chen, Jinhua (edd.), Religions 14/5 (Special Issue Buddhist Narrative Literature): 677. 
  • Ji Ho Yi, 2023, Fragrance Offering as a Call for Rescue: The Sumāgadhā / Sumatī Story Illustrated in the Kizil Grottoes. Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 6/1, pp. 195–276.

  • Zin, Monika, 2023, Kucha’s Pictorial Programmes: the Example of Kizil Cave 175 (Temptation Cave). In: Matsuoka, Hiroko / Moriyama, Shinya / Neill, Tyler (edd.), To the Heart of Truth: Felicitation Volume for Eli Franco on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde 104. Vienna: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien Universität Wien, vol. 1, pp. 343–386.

  • Zin, Monika, 2023, Maitreya, the Saviour?: Enigmatic ‘Mahābodhisatvas’ in Kucha. Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 6/1, pp. 336–378.

  • Zin, Monika, 2023, Vidūṣaka’s Cousins: Comic Theatre Characters on Both Sides of the Erythraean Sea. East and West N.S. 4 (63)/1, pp. 153–182.




  • Hiyama, Satomi 檜山智美, 2020, Tonko Bakkōkutsu dai 285 kutsu seiheki hekiga ni mirareru seishuku zuzo to sekkutsu zentai no koso ni tsuite 敦煌莫高窟第二八五窟西壁壁画に見られる星宿図像と石窟全体の構想について / New Identification of Astral Deities Depicted on the Western Wall of Mogao Cave 285 (Dunhuang) and Reconsideration of Its Concept of Décor. Bukkyo Geijutsu 仏教芸術 5, pp. 11–29.

  • Hiyama, Satomi, 2020, New Identification of the Mural Fragment from the ‘Pfauenhöhle’ (Kizil Cave 76, III 8842). Indo-Asiatische Zeitschrift 24, pp. 4–14.

  • Hiyama, Satomi, 2020, Transmission of the “World”: Sumeru Cosmology as Seen in Central Asian Buddhist Paintings around 500 AD. NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 28, pp. 411–429.

  • Kienzler, Olga, 2020, Rezension zu Michael D. Bukharin: Ost-Turkestan und die Mongolei, Band I-III: Bukharin, Michail D. Бухарин, Михаил Д. 2018, Vostočnyj Turkestan i Mongolija Восточный Туркестан и Монголия, Tom I–III том I–III [Ost-Turkestan und Mongolei, Band I–III] Moskva: Pamjatniki istoričeskoj mysli Москва: Памятники исторической мысли [Moskau: Denkmäler des historischen Denkens]. Indo-Asiatische Zeitschrift 24, pp. 15–19.

  • Konczak-Nagel, Ines, 2020, Painted Buddhist Cosmology: The Pictorial Programme of Central Pillar Caves in Kizil. In: Konczak-Nagel, Ines / Zin, Monika, Essays and Studies in the Art of Kucha. New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors, Leipzig Kucha Studies 1, pp. 1–10.

  • Konczak-Nagel, Ines, 2020, Representations of Architecture and Architectural Elements in the Wall Paintings of Kucha, In: Konczak-Nagel, Ines / Zin, Monika, Essays and Studies in the Art of Kucha. New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors, Leipzig Kucha Studies 1, pp. 11–106.
  • Radisch, Erik, 2020, Automated Geo-Resolution of Place Names in Historical Serial Sources. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2532, 2020 (Proceedings of the Doctoral Symposium on Research on Online Databases in History Co-located with 3rd Data for History Workshop), pp. 42–46.

  • Zin, Monika モニカ・ジン, 2020, Nomi to edude de katarareta setsuwa – Bukkyo kenkyu ni okeru bijutsushi no juyosei 鑿と絵筆で語られた説話―仏教研究における美術史の重要性 [Narrated with Chisel and Paintbrush. On the Importance of Research into Art History for Understanding Buddhism]. Asia Bukkyo Bijutsu Ronshu, Minami Asia 1 アジア仏教美術論集 南アジア 1 [Essays on Buddhist Art in Asia: South Asia 1], pp. 593–626.

  • Zin, Monika, 2020, The Monk Kāśyapa in Kucha, the First Council, and the Furtherance of Buddhist Teaching. In: Konczak-Nagel, Ines / Zin, Monika, Essays and Studies in the Art of Kucha. New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors, Leipzig Kucha Studies 1, pp. 107–172.


  • Hiyama, Satomi 檜山智美, 2019, Tokyo daigaku Toyobunka shozo no Kizil sekkutsu hekigahen ni tsuite 東京大学東洋文化所蔵のキジル石窟壁画片について [Study on the Mural Fragments of Kizil Grottoes Kept in the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, the University of Tokyo]. In: Kanagawa Prefectural Kanazawa-Bunko Museum (ed.), Tokyo daigaku Toyo bunka kenkyujo x Kanazawa bunko: Toyogaku heno sasoi 東京大学東洋文化研究所 x 金沢文庫 東洋学への誘い / Invitation to Asian Studies. Kanagawa: Kanagawa Prefectural Kanazawa-Bunko Museum, pp. 88–91.

  • Konczak-Nagel, Ines, 2019, Wo ist dir "Hohe Höhle über der Größten Höhle"? Versuch einer Bestimmung des exakten Ursprungsortes der Malereifragmente III 8373 a & b der zentralasiatischen Sammlung des Museums für Asiatische Kunst, Berlin. Indo-Asiatische Zeitschrift 23, pp. 4–15.

  • Zin, Monika, 2019, Cosmological Aspects: Representations of Deities Holding Sun and Moon in Kucha and Beyond. Rivista degli Studi Orientali 42/1–2, pp. 259–285.

  • Zin, Monika, 2019, Crossing the Ocean of saṃsāra: Berlin, Museum für Asiatische Kunst, no. III 9023. In: Bareja-Starzyńska, Agata / Mejor, Marek (edd.), Studies on the Collections of Oriental Texts and Artefacts, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Oriental Studies, Cracow, October 22nd–24th 2018, Rocznik Orientalistyczny 72/2, pp. 183–217.


  • Hiyama, Satomi / Arlt, Robert, 2018, The Discovery of the Two Stucco Heads of the Vidūṣaka in Gandharan Art. Art of the Orient 7, pp. 130–136.

  • Hiyama, Satomi, 2018, Untangling the Textiles in the Murals: A Study on the Monks’ Robes Depicted in the First Indo-Iranian Style Paintings of Kucha. Journal of World Buddhist Cultures 1, pp. 59–94.

  • Konczak-Nagel, Ines, 2018, The Headdress of Mythological Female Figures in the Buddhist Mural Paintings of the Tocharian Kingdom of Kucha (5th to 7th century): Another Point of View / Cong xinjiaodu tantao wudaoqi shiji qiuci bihua zhongde tuhuoluo wangguo de fojiao nvxing toushi 从新角度探讨 5–7世纪龟兹壁画中的吐火罗王国的佛教女性头饰. In: Li, Aojun 李傲君 / Zhang, Huiqin 张慧琴 (edd.), Yidai yilu: Fushi yuyan wenhua yishu tansuo 一带一路: 服饰·语言·文化·艺术探索 [One Belt One Road: Investigation into Costumes, Languages, Cultures and Arts]. Beijing: Zhongguo fangzhi chubanshe, pp. 27–40.

  • Zin, Monika, 2018, Ciñcā Māṇavikā: The Identification of Some Paintings in Kizil and a Gandhara Relief in the Asian Art Museum, Berlin. In: Criegern, Oliver von / Melzer, Gudrun / Schneider, Johannes (edd.), Saddharmāmṛtaṃ: Festschrift für Jens-Uwe Hartmann zum 65 Geburtstag. Wien, Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde 93, pp. 541–559.

  • Zin, Monika, 2018, Some Details from the Representations of the Parinirvāṇa Cycle in the Art of Gandhara and Kucha: The Iconography of the Wandering Ascetics (Parivrājaka, Nirgrantha and Ājīvika). Art of the Orient 7, pp. 137–170.


  • Hiyama, Satomi 檜山智美, 2017, Kizil dai 207 kutsu (Gaka-kutsu) no Butsu-Seppozu no Shinkaishaku キジル第207窟(画家窟)の仏説法図の新解釈 [New Identification of the Buddhas Sermon Scenes of Kizil Cave 207 (Malerhöhle)]. Asia Bukkyo Bijutsu Ronshu, Chuo Asia 1 アジア仏教美術論集 中央アジア 1 [Essays on Buddhist Art in Asia: Central Asia 1], pp. 367–398.

  • Klein, Astrid, 2017, The Language of Kučean Clothing: A Comparative Study of Wall Paintings and Textiles. Art of the Orient 6, pp. 91–102.

  • Konczak-Nagel, Ines / Hiyama-Karino, Satomi 桧山智美, 2017, Qiuci yanjiu wenxian mulu 龟兹研究文献目录 / Bibliography of Kucha Research. Qiuci yanjiu 龟兹研究 / Kucha Research 5, pp. 18–54.

  • Wang, Fang 王芳, 2017, Shilun qiuci shiku di' er zhong huafeng dongku quanding bihua de changuan yihan 試論龜茲石窟第二種畫風洞窟券頂壁畫的禪觀意涵——從克孜爾171窟、110窟與森木塞姆48窟出發 [On the Meditative Connotation of the Second Pictorial Style Murals on the Vaulted-Ceiling of Kucha Grottoes: Set Off from Kizil Cave 171, Kizil Cave 110 and Simsim Cave 48]. Zhonghua foxue yanjiu 中華佛學研究 / Chinese Buddhist Studies 18. New Taipei: Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, pp. 83–112.

  • Zin, Monika モニカ・ジン, 2017, Kucha no Bukkyo Setsuwa Bijutsu ni kansuru Kinnen no Kenkyu Jokyo ni tsuite クチャの仏教説話美術に関する近年の研究状況について [Recent Research on the Narrative Paintings in Kucha]. Asia Bukkyo Bijutsu Ronshu, Central Asia 1 アジア仏教美術論集 中央アジア 1, Tokyo: Chuo Koron Bijutsu Shuppan, pp. 333–366.


  • Hiyama, Satomi 檜山智美 / Arlt, Robert ロベルト・アールト, 2016, Kucha no hekiga ni mirareru kyūtei dōke shi Vidūshaka no zuzō クチャの壁画に見られる宮廷道化師ヴィドゥーシャカの図像  [Iconography of the Courtly Jester Vidūṣaka in the Mural Paintings of Kucha]. Bukkyō geijutsu 仏教芸術 / Ars Buddhica 349, pp. 76–100.

  • Hiyama, Satomi, 2016–2017, Portrait of the Royal Patronage in Kizil Cave 60 (Größte Höhle). Indo-Asiatische Zeitschrift 20–21, pp. 39–51.

  • Wang, Fang 王芳, 2016, Dunhuang Tang Wudai kuangyegui yecha tuxiang xiaoyi 敦煌唐五代旷野鬼夜叉图像小议 [A Discussion on Āṭavika Images in Dunhuang from the Tang to the Five Dynasties]. Dunhuang yanjiu 敦煌研究 / Dunhuang Research, pp. 58–70.

  • Zin, Monika, 2016, Identifications of Kizil Paintings I–VI. In: Shashibala (ed.), Sanskrit on the Silk Route. Delhi: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, pp. 199–285.

  • Zin, Monika, 2016, Sanskrit Literature and the Indian Pictorial Tradition in the Paintings of Kucha. In: Shashibala (ed.), Sanskrit on the Silk Route. Delhi: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, pp. 99–111.



  • Hiyama, Satomi, 2016, The Wall Paintings of “The Painter’s Cave” (Kizil Cave 207). PhD dissertation at Freie Universität Berlin 2014. Microfiche Publication. Ketsch: Mikroform.
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